Blake, you're 4 months old already! You are such a happy, laid back baby and we love you to pieces! Here's a look back at the last month:
4 Month stats:
15 pounds, 5.5 oz (49th percentile)
25.75 inches (77th percentile)
Head circumference:
16.5 inches (60th percentile)
-Grandma bought you a "popper" toy (one where you push down and the little balls pop around) and it scares you into crying when we push it.
-You rub your eyes a lot. I think you may have allergies. :(
-You have officially had small laughs (no belly laughs yet) but only with Grandpa, you stinker! We get lots of coos and squeals out of you though.
-Lots of smiles, ALL the time! You even smile at strangers.
-We visited daddy at work and met some co-workers; you were very friendly.
-You love to "talk" to yourself in your crib before going to sleep at nap time.
-You smile at me every time you see me. Melts. My. Heart. :)
-You had your first dip in the lake. You were not a fan. It was pretty cold. Then you passed out under the umbrella tent on the beach.
-When you notice Zoey you like to smile at her.
-You are able to grasp toys now and really like to grab the monkey on your playmat. You're also swatting at things so we have to be careful if we're holding you and food or drinks!
Memories from weeks 15 and 16:
-I like to share the good, bad, and the ugly on here. Well, I'd say you had your first "ugly". One night you started wailing right before I was going to feed you (because I picked a booger out if your nose). You then screamed for 25 minutes WITHOUT stopping. You were so upset that I stripped you down to make sure you weren't hurt. You wouldn't even take the breast which scared me a little bit. Finally after you were calm for a bit you nursed. I still don't really know what caused the complete meltdown. :(
-I've seen you staring at your feet a few times but you haven't truly discovered them yet.
-Mommy packed away all of your 0-3 month clothes :'(. It was very sad for her but you've been in 3-6 month for a while now.
-You love sucking on your fist and fingers and like that thumb! Daddy was a big thumb sucker so we'll see if you are too.
-You still like the pacifier when you want it but more often than not you reject it. Maybe we can wean you super early and let you enjoy your fist??? Wishful thinking I'm sure.
-You've been practicing making sounds, squeals, and coos a lot lately! You'll even practice different cries. You'll sound like you're crying but when I look over you'll give me the biggest smile! You also have a new whiny cry where you cry without opening your mouth. You like to use that one in the car. Your squeals are getting louder and you just love to talk to yourself. We've gotten small giggles out of you but no belly laughs yet.
-You love anything soft that you can grab and pull to your mouth and rub against your face. This obviously includes blankies, but also burp cloths, bibs, and you even grab at your onesies and try to pull them to your mouth.
-Sometimes when you squeal while blowing spit bubbles (which is still totally your thing) one of the bubbles will get huge like a bubble gum bubble. It's hilarious!
-I'm trying to get a nap schedule going. I follow your sleep cues as best I can. They seem to be around the same time every day so nap times in the crib are happening now. You usually take 1 long nap in the morning and 2 short naps in the afternoon/late afternoon and a cat nap in the evening.
-You haven't rolled over on your own yet, but I think you are staring to try. I better watch out!
-You have the cutest new habit! When you are done nursing, you pull yourself off and give me the biggest smiles. I love it!
-You love the TV and we try to keep you from watching it. But if it's on, you will twist your head as far around as you can to try and watch it. Little stinker!
-You officially are a "hair grabber". You love grabbing my hair and you even grab daddy's hair when you can. You got Zoey's fur once and make her squeal in pain. :( You have a tight little grip!
-You really enjoy "talking" to me. Lots of coos and squeals. You like to mimic me. It cracks me up because your eyes stay serious while you're "talking" away and sometimes your eyes show surprise at the high pitched sounds you can make! Haha! Here's one of your talking faces:
-We've officially dropped to five feedings a day...very exciting! I believe we started this around the beginning of week 16. Our new feeding schedule is flexible but you usually eat around 9am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm, and 10pm. So much easier than those first weeks!
-And finally, you enjoyed your first 4th of July! Mommy was a little bit afraid that the fireworks would scare you, but you sat on daddy's lap and just watched them calmly. Zoey on the other hand decided to growl and bark after every firework. I guess she was just letting them know who's boss. Ha ha!
We love you so much Blake! Could you please stop growing up so fast!?
And as always, some pictures from the past month:
Meeting all your future girlfriends:
(And now "Aunt" Allie is expecting too!!!)
Chillin' in your rockaroo
Strange picture of me...but I cherish these bedtime snuggles so much. (It's the only time of day you will snuggle)