Friday, December 18, 2015

Blake - 9 Months!

Holy Smokes! I cannot believe it was already 9 months ago that we welcomed Blake Tyler to the world! You turned 9 months old on Christmas Day. Can't get much more festive than that!

You had a 9 month check-up so here's your stats from the doctor:

Weight: 19 pounds, 3.5 ounces (41st percentile)
Length: 29.5 inches (89th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.25 inches (85th percentile)

You're tall and light! You must get the "lightness" from daddy because I was always in the 90th percentile range in height and weight as a baby!

Memories from the first half of month 9:
-Out of the blue one day (December 6 to be specific) you started clicking your tongue. It's hilarious! You just click away. When daddy got you up the next morning you spit out your paci and started clicking's so fun to watch you learn new things, even clicking your tongue. ;)
-I've begun putting you in 12 month clothes. Since you were born I've used Carters and BabyGap as my guidelines in size but lately it's been goofed up. You fit in 6-12 month BabyGap stuff, 12 month Carters, 12-18 month Gymboree (I've always found they run smaller), 9-12 get my drift. Basically your dresser drawers are a mess.
-You spent your first Thanksgiving with Daddy's side of the family. Opa was in the Netherlands due to Great Opa being ill and passing away. :( We enjoyed our time with Grandma though. You certainly looked cute with your little Turkey butt and you celebrated with a jar of Gerber "Turkey and rice".

-You're developing quite the little temper. When you're angry you do this combination of a whine/yell over and over mixed with a little crying and shrieking. It's hard to describe but dare I say a little annoying... :)
-You tried Gerber "Puffs" for the first time. I think they will be a hit. I started you with the plain rice kind but I also bought some fun flavors to try as well. You have a hard time figuring out how to open your fist to drop the puff in your mouth though.
-You are SO curious about EVERYTHING. Grandma calls you "nosy" all the time. You're always whipping around and craning your neck to see what everyone is doing. You need to check out every noise as well. Maybe Zoey is rubbing off on you...

Memories from the second half of month 9:
-You are still trying to crawl but not quite understanding how to actually move forward! Whenever we set you down (or try to change your diaper) you immediately flip over and get on your hands and knees and start rocking. You also stick your butt up in the air! No one told me I would need to know how to diaper a baby who is on their hands and knees...hahaha!
-You are still nursing almost exclusively. Feeds are very short now. It's amazing how much easier it gets as you get bigger. 7-8 months ago I would have never imagined it could be like this. After Christmas Break we will be supplementing both of your daycare bottles...mommy's Christmas present to herself. ;)
-This is your daily schedule most days:
     7:00 - Wake up (most days you wake up earlier than this but daddy gives you your pacifier and you go back to sleep for a while.)
     7:10 - First feeding
     8:30 - Breakfast and small bottle/feed
     8:45 - Nap...typically 1-2 hours
     12:00 - Lunch and bottle/feed
     12:30 - 2nd Nap...typically 2 hours
     4:15 - Feed
     5:30/6ish - Dinner
     7:15 - Last feed and bed (sometimes later)
-You are starting to get bored with your toys. Good thing Christmastime is here!
-Still no teeth little man!
-By the very end of this month you were super close to crawling. You scoot around and mix crawling with rolling to get where you want.
-We lowered your crib mattress for the first time. You're too close to pulling up!
-You received lots of fun presents for Christmas! Lots of books and toys from mommy and daddy and many more fun things from both sets of grandparents. You enjoyed "taste testing" everything (as everything currently goes straight to your mouth) and playing with the wrapping paper. It was a big day for you (lots of traveling and people) but you handled it like a champ.

And, as always, some pictures from the last month:
Trying pumpkin pie for the first time...
...and loving it!

Pulled these out Thanksgiving night...can't say I didn't wait for Thanksgiving ;)
Someone got their hands in the Halloween candy. (This was back in November to my defense) 

Sending pictures to daddy

Looking dapper with grandpa

Trying to get mommy's phone :)

Playing like a big boy up in your room 

Cups are so entertaining!

And I'm obsessed with your crib sheet right now! 
Christmas cheer is ALL through the house! :)

You learned how to turn pages and now it's your favorite!

Visiting Santa for the first time!

And some fun with the Christmas lights:

And some extra pictures from Christmas morning! (All my pictures from the rest of the day are on the camera not my phone)
Zoey thought a few of the toys should be hers too ;)
Playing with his new stuff!

We love you so much Blake!