I know I said I probably wouldn't continue to blog each month but I feel like a lot happened this month that I want to document! So here we go!
Blake you are 13 months old! According to most websites and apps you are a "toddler" now. Let's stop with that silliness; you're still my baby. :) Haha! You are actually growing into a toddler before my very eyes. You're not walking yet but you are curious, inquisitive, and into everything.
Memories from Month 13:
-You crawl so fast. In fact, I'm pretty sure you'll be a late walker because you can move so fast on your hands and knees. Why walk when you can crawl? This is the opposite of mommy, who was a late walker and NEVER crawled because why crawl when you can whine for things? ;)
-You are OBSESSED with Zoey (and all dogs). In the morning you can not wait to see "doggie" and same with after naps and after daycare. You LOVE her. She doesn't reciprocate her love in a mushy gushy way but she sure is your best pal at meal times. She doesn't let you touch her except to hand her food from your highchair while mommy and daddy frown and say no. Sometimes you understand that if you roll the ball to her she will get it and bring it back, but, most of the time you just want to chew on her ball yourself. She is very gentle around you though and leaves you a wide berth to play.
(Looking sad on the other side of the baby gate)
-You still stick to saying words and making sounds that start with "D". You say doggie, daddy, and deedee (grandpa...and grandma I think). Just towards the end of this month I heard you practicing the "M" sound. "Mama" should be here soon!!!
-You insist on crawling over things not around. That would be too easy. You climbed over your tricycle 4 times one morning just for fun.
The bin is also great fun:
-You HATE having your diaper changed. It has nothing to do with the diaper and everything to do with the fact that you have to lay still on your back. Mommy and Daddy have had to learn different restraint positions, haha! You are determined to flip onto your hands and knees, lean over the changing table, and grab whatever you can (wipes, spray bottle, lotion, etc.). You also insist upon yanking your socks off every change.
-You love pushing your push toys around the living room. You still do this on your tip toes though.
-You still love eating...so. much. You have become a bit more picky though, dropping things here and there to Zoey, shoving them down by your side or handing food back to us oh so politely like "no thanks mom, you can have all that broccoli." Such a kind boy. Haha!
-After going broke in the sippy cup aisles we FINALLY found a sippy cup you like that doesn't leak all over the place! Yay! They are Munchkin Click Lock Flip Straws.
-You love exploring the house. You really like to get into the end table's drawer and pull out everything you can reach. I think mommy may just have to empty it out and put a fun rotation of toys in there for you to "find". I also have found the following items in your hamper when I have done the wash the past two times: a shoe, another shoe, another shoe (none matching), a kitty puzzle piece, a cup, and a harmonica puzzle piece! You like to drop things in there but it's too tall for you to reach in and get stuff out. ;)
-You love exploring the house. You really like to get into the end table's drawer and pull out everything you can reach. I think mommy may just have to empty it out and put a fun rotation of toys in there for you to "find". I also have found the following items in your hamper when I have done the wash the past two times: a shoe, another shoe, another shoe (none matching), a kitty puzzle piece, a cup, and a harmonica puzzle piece! You like to drop things in there but it's too tall for you to reach in and get stuff out. ;)

-We gave you a lemon to try (so we could could be mean parents and watch your reaction) and you LOVED it. ? You devoured the whole thing minus the skin!
And as always a few pictures mom captured this month:
The only TV you've ever watched (that was intended for you). It's the short animation of your book "Room on the Broom". I know it's not Halloween yet but who cares!
We love you buddy!