Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blake - 14 Months!

Just a quick update this month!
(We got your swing up!)

Not too much has changed over the last month but there are a few new things I wanted to make sure I document for my memory's sake.

1. You officially say a few words:
Mama (still not quite directed at me)
Bupa (Grandpa)
Nigh Nigh (Night Night)
Nana (Banana)
Dight (Light)
2. You are learning how to point at things. By the end of the month you were using your pointer finger too! Every time I buckle you into your car seat you immediately point towards the overhead light in the backseat and say, "dight". It's so cute.
3. You've mastered climbing the stairs and you love it! We stay right behind you for the occasional slip and you climb right to the landing where there is a little window that's just the right height for you to look out. We say "Goodnight outside" and "Goodnight Light" (to the stairwell light) before climbing the rest of the stairs up to your nursery.
4. You still do not stand unassisted or walk. You are flat footed more and more often when standing still, however, whenever you walk with a push toy you are still on your tip toes. We do think you're very close to standing unassisted. I saw you do it one day a few weeks ago at Grandma and Grandpa's house very briefly but you have not done it again.

5. You are still very open to strangers' attention and don't mind people talking to you or holding you. You do tend to pull your arm away if they try to touch your arm or hand while mommy or daddy are holding you.
6. You still don't like diaper changes but (knock on wood) as long as you have your toy camera that sings songs and lights up you seem to do okay while we change you.
7. You got your second haircut and what I would call your first "big boy cut". It's a little faux-hawk and I LOVE it! But you also look so grown up....

8. You still only have your two bottom teeth. I think the top ones may be coming soon though. We'll see.
9. You love having your teeth/gums brushed. You have this yummy Blueberry flavored natural toothpaste that you pretty much suck down. We try to scrub your teeth really quick before you eat it all, haha!
10. One night I put you to bed (usually daddy does) and you did the cutest thing. I kissed your hand and said "Goodnight left hand" and then I kissed your other hand (you were standing at the rail of your crib) and said "Goodnight right hand"; you pushed your neck over the rail so I could kiss your forehead ("Goodnight forehead"), ear, nose, pacifier, etc. It was the most darling thing and I think my heart melted into a puddle.
11, One Sunday morning I ran downstairs to change a load of laundry and when I came back up you had turned the TV on (the Kardashians no less) and were hiding behind a chair. I went to pick you up and you had sprayed your face with the water spray bottle we keep by the changing table and you were all wet! Silly boy! At least it was just water.
12. You are a busy boy and rarely sit still. Rarely is there a snuggle to be had with you but I am glad that you are so brave and adventurous!

13. Lately you have been waking up a lot in the night or very early in the morning. I'm not sure if this is due to anything like a growth spurt or teething but I do know that I think you're ready to transition to one long nap. I was going to try and wait until the end of the school year to make this transition but I also am sick of sleep deprivation so I think we will transition soon!
14. We will be making your first trip to the cottage this summer for Memorial Day weekend and I'm so excited to see how you like everything this year!!! Last summer you were still so tiny and I was nursing around the clock!
15. Every day when daddy gets home you get so excited and you immediately want to drink out of his water Tumbler! It's so funny!
16. You love being outside but you're not too sure about the grass. Grandpa and daddy got your swing hooked up to the TALL tree limb and you love it!
(Crazy hair!)
17. You went to your first "skating" party and thought you were pretty cool stuff. :)
18. We got to see a bit more of daddy's side of the family this month too!
19. And most of all you just love playing (and petting dogs)!
(At daycare)
(Your two favorite toys: Dr. Doug and Doggie)
(Hiding daddy's mouse in your "trunk"...your favorite hiding spot)
Ok, so maybe not such a quick update but still...

We love you buddy!!!