Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Blake - 15 & 16 Months


I officially missed a monthly update....the first of many I'm sure since I don't plan on tracking every month until your 18th birthday. ;) AND I'm a little late posting this but oh well. We'll just cover both months in one post.

15 month doctor stats:
Weight: 23 pounds, 13 ounces (63rd percentile)
Height/Length: 31.5 inches (55th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.75 inches (71st percentile)

You are quickly turning into a little boy (from a baby) in front of my eyes. You are learning new things and developing at an astounding rate. You are also developing a hysterical little personality. You crack me up every day.

Mama = Grandma
Bupa = Grandpa
Pa = Opa
DOGGIE (always yelled) = Dog, any animal, sometimes people too...
Plees/Dees = Please
Uh Oh
Nigh Nigh = Bedtime or I want to climb the stairs
Nana = Banana (sometimes other fruits too)
Cooo Keeee(whispered) = Darth Vader sound
Coo-kuh = Cookie
Cra-kuh = cracker
Num = Yum
Out (always heard in stroller & car seat: out, please?)
Bir = Bird
IO = EIEIO (from Old McDonald had a Farm)
Sli = slide
Words you will repeat but haven't said independently:
Bi-ba = diaper

Physical Development:
4 teeth - 2 top, 2 bottom.
You briefly stand unassisted every now and then but you still do not walk or take steps. Nothing is physically wrong you just aren't confident enough yet. I think it will happen soon though! 
You still crawl (fast) and climb everything. You creep along furniture and walls. You can climb up and down stairs. You were standing unassisted for much longer periods of time closer to 16 months. 
Update: You took your very first steps (2 to be exact) on July 23 at Red Robin to the cheers and encouragement of the ladies at the table next to us! Since then you've taken a few independent steps 2 or 3 times but you still prefer walking with help.

Memories from months 15 & 16:
-After taking a sip of something refreshing you go "ahhhh" like in a commercial. I think you learned that from me...haha!
-After taking a bite of something delicious you go "Mmmm"....also learned from mom. ;)
-When a food commercial comes on or you see food in a book you also go "Mmmm".
-All fruits are "nana's" and all animals are "DOGGIE's", with the exception of some "birdies".
-You went on your first airplane ride(s) and did great! We got to take your car seat on for 3 of the 4 flights which was wonderful. There was one 4 hour flight without it and we passed you around the family and to one stranger. :) You only slept for the late night 45 min flight but were in good spirits for the rest of them. I'll post more vacation photos in a separate post.

-I took you to Target one afternoon and as we passed through the toy section you saw a 4' tall Darth Vader. I said "It's Darth Vader" and you immediately went "Coo Keee" (your Darth Vader sound) over and over and I started cracking up!
-Speaking of laughing, if you see people laughing, especially neighboring tables in restaurants, you start laughing and clapping your hands too! Too cute!
-You are a little comedian in your high chair, making mommy and daddy laugh throughout your meals. 
-Sometimes when you don't like a food you throw it off your tray, slide it off your tray, or do the "slow spit out" down the front of your bib. These are no-no's and you get in trouble.
-Every so often mommy will put BabyGenius sing-a-longs on the TV for you and you love them! You stand as close to the TV as you can get and scream "DOGGIE" every time you see an animal. You also are a really awkward dancer sometimes...bobbin' your head....haha!
Oh, and sometimes you stand on things...
-Early in July we took away your pacifier cold turkey. You hadn't been really using it during the day except naps so one day when you threw it out of your crib (again) and said "uh oh" I decided to not rescue it. That was your first nap without a paci. You cried for 40 minutes. We made it and we haven't looked back. It took you a good week and a half to cry less and less. You are better now but still fuss for about 10 minutes at naps and bedtime. You used to pop the paci in and you were it's been an adjustment for everyone.
-Mommy has LOVED being home with you this summer. I think it will be harder to go back to school this year than it was originally last year. :(

-Mommy and Daddy cannot get over your cute face!
-You still wear 12-18 month clothes and some 18-24 shirts when mommy wants to break out some new clothes. Mommy LOVES dressing you! Your cloth diapers do make you pop through some of your rompers as we learned at church one Sunday. Fluffy butts are a bit bulkier. ;)
-You are obsessed with books, especially flap books and books with "doggies" aka animals.
-Your favorite toys: 
Anything that open and closes - Tupperware containers and covers (particularly the small salt-and-pepper shakers), your doctor kit, books
Things that drop/fit into something else - Your wooden ball sorter/xylophone, your shape-sorter ball
Things that pull apart (haven't mastered putting back together yet) - Rubber farm animals that come apart, Duplo Legos (from Legoland!), Wooden Train, and any stacked cups
Others- Radio Flyer Push Wagon (your obsessed with sitting in this hoping we will push you around!), your V-Tech "smart friend" toy Dr. Doug, Radio Flyer Trike, your new play kitchen
Here's a "real-life" shot of how the living room usually looks 5 minutes after you wake up...
-Another favorite is playgrounds! You love climbing around on them and going down slides!
-No matter how fun or rough of a day it's been, you get so excited to see daddy when he gets home!
-And last, but not least, I should not fail to mention your obsession with fruit. You beg for it! 

Here are some extra pictures, mostly from your 16th month because I did a photo purge on my phone before vacation. :)
4th of July with Allie, Gary, and baby Isaiah
*First photo capture of unassisted standing! 
Future best buds! :)

You & I took a trip to the farmers market one morning and along the way visited the critter barn animals and played at the library. So much fun!
Hello bunny!
HELLO fresh flowers! Mommy's fave!
Yay! A stuffed doggy that can't run away!

Mmmm cookies from Grandma B!
Messing around during an afternoon shopping trip.
Love for all of your "doggies" ;)
You go "night night" with them.
Hanging out with mommy at the cottage.
Interrupting daddy to read a book together!
Beep beep
Mr. Blue Eyes
Zippy Zoey still exists too...contrary to what this blog implies ;)
Hugging doggy :) Action shot ;)
Somebody pushed his high chair across the kitchen floor one morning... Hmmm
Booty shot, hahaha!
Opa stopped by for a short visit to play!
Yes you had bare buns...we were trying to get rid of a pesky little rash!
Climbing is your favorite!
Playing in grandma and grandpa's closet at the cottage
Grandma B got you a shirt so you can get working at the kennel! ;)
Heading up for nap.

Words can't describe how much we love you!!!!! We thank God for gifting you to us.