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37 Weeks, 5 days - Good morning! :) |
How far along? 37 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: I'm officially at +30 pounds. I was +29 at my 36 week appointment and gained 1 more pound at my 37 week appointment. My doctor cancelled my 38 week appointment since it was scheduled (due to conflicts on her part) for only 5 days later. So I will be seen next at my 39 week appointment in 9 days, if I'm still pregnant! ;)
Maternity clothes? Yes and I'm definitely getting sick of dressing up for work, haha! I would love to be in PJ's all day. However, work itself is not bothering me. I have enough energy and am able to sit a lot when I need to but I also get a lot of walking in. It helps that we are wrapping up the semester and my classes will all be online next marking period so I can just sit in a lab and not have to directly teach lessons. Perfect last week or two of a working pregnancy if you ask me. ;)
Stretch marks? Yes, two small symmetrical spots on the bottom of my belly. One is about an inch long and the other is more like a centimeter. I'm curious how they'll look postpartum.
Sleep: I am sleeping less. I still fall asleep in the afternoons when I am able to. 20 minute catnaps are just the best thing after work! However, I'm not sleeping as soundly at night. I am not uncomfortable, besides having to go to the bathroom a lot, I just don't seem to get as much sleep. It's been hard waking up with my alarm the last couple of days!
Sleep: I am sleeping less. I still fall asleep in the afternoons when I am able to. 20 minute catnaps are just the best thing after work! However, I'm not sleeping as soundly at night. I am not uncomfortable, besides having to go to the bathroom a lot, I just don't seem to get as much sleep. It's been hard waking up with my alarm the last couple of days!
Best moments this week:
1) A surprise baby shower! My co-workers surprised me on one of our half days (exam week) with a lunch and a few small gifts for baby. They also got Brandon and I a gift card for a night out. So thoughtful. :)
2) First wedding shower for my future sister-in-law! It's always so fun to gather and celebrate with someone. :)
3) We found daycare for BOTH kiddos next year! We had quite a lot of stress these past two weeks because we thought we had a daycare situation sort of figured out and then it ended up not working. (Unfortunately our current daycare will not have a spot for the baby next year....hence looking for a new daycare) But, through God's provision, I believe we have found a great fit for our family. Blake will not be attending preschool (3-school) next year which was our "back-up" plan if we couldn't find a daycare spot for both kids. It is like trying to get into an NYC prep school finding an infant daycare spot. This kid's not even born yet and people have waiting lists til next Spring! Crazy! So thankful we are set.
4) I went through some serious nesting last weekend: finished the hospital bag, sanitized ALL pump parts/bottles/pacifiers, cleaned out every cupboard in the kitchen (with Brandon's help), and made 19 freezer meals. I was tired. But I just couldn't stop cleaning things. I was so on top of the dishes it was miraculous. Unfortunately, the weariness has settled back in this week. :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!Miss anything yet? I miss being able to carry Blake and play with him more actively. He seems to sense that the new baby is coming soon and is becoming a bit more clingy and even emotional (not in a bad way). It makes me feel some mom-guilt that we are changing his world in so many ways even though we are so happy to welcome a new life to our family. I know he'll adjust because every kid does; it just makes me a little sad to watch him struggle with coping. Don't get me wrong, sometimes he seems completely ambivalent and at other times excited...but overall, just a bit more attached to mom and dad.
Movement: There were two days last week that I swear baby was moving less. I even did an actual "kick count" and counted 9 movements in an hour (should be 10) but since then movement has resumed it's "normal" activity. :) The doctor did not seem worried. I mostly just feel squirms now and lots of hiccups!
Food cravings: Food. Haha! I'm hungry like a MAN during the day. However, I'm not very hungry before bed which is normally my prime snack time. I'm also still thirsty 24/7.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Heartburn.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely! I overheard a stranger at a restaurant yesterday say, "She's about to blow" as I walked by. I don't take offense; I know I'm huge, lol. A few have mentioned that they think I've dropped but I think I've just carried low this entire pregnancy. Brandon also says that my belly is wider than it was with Blake and I agree. I still carry all in my belly, but it is wider this time.
Gender prediction: Boy. My parents and their friends placed bets and they all think boy too. (They also guessed weight and birth date) Brandon thinks girl. Most of my co-workers and extended family think girl.
Labor signs: Doctor said I am 3 cm dilated already. I was dilated early with Blake too. Doesn't mean too much in terms of being any closer to labor and delivery. Baby is head down as far as I know. And I frequently have Braxton Hicks contractions so I know my body is preparing! I constantly have in the back of my mind that my original due date was Feb. 3 and it was changed to Feb. 10 so I have a feeling I may go in between (my guess is Feb. 7), however, I am okay with baby baking right up until Feb. 10.
Belly button in or out? It's pretty much become an outie and seems less sensitive than it was 2 weeks ago.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm pretty happy lately. :) A bit grumpy in the early morning and my students blame any irritation I have on the baby....but it's just normal irritation, trust me! They could have it much worse, hahaha!
Looking forward to: Wrapping up this semester at school so I can shift my attention to resting and preparing for baby's arrival (even though I will keep working up until labor starts!).