Miss Kennedy Leigh is 3 months old already! Kennedy, you've spent a whole "trimester" out of the womb now and you seem to like being out here with us quite a bit. :) Mommy has been a bit busy lately so this post is not split into first half/last half like usual. However, I did make a mental note that not much changed from the last half of your month 2 post and the first half of this month. (Just in case I look back at this and wonder, angry at myself for not taking the time to post in more detail...haha). So, here we go!
Memories from month 3:
-We got your 3 month pictures taken! You and mommy went on a little date to get your pictures done. You were perfect! All smiles, no tears. :)
-About a week before you "officially" turned 3 months I took you in for a weight check so that we could up your reflux meds. You weighed 12 pounds, 9.5 oz! Good girl!
-A couple weeks into this month you started sleeping through the night consistently. Hallelujah, praise the Lord! You now sleep from about 10:30 pm to 6:00/6:30/7:00 am!! (of course the night I typed this you were up at 11:30 and 4:30...hello 3 month growth spurt!)
-You have moved into 3-6 month (or 6 month) clothes already! I packed up your 0-3 and managed not to shed any tears. 3-6 months is still baggy but you need the length. Your cloth diapers help fill in the clothes a bit though. Grandma and mommy took you shopping for some jammies (and new jeans for mommy... :/)
-You still wear disposable diapers to bed and fit in a size 1. We just finished up a box of 1's and are debating whether to open another big box of 1's or move you up to 2's. We'll see.
-You are such a smiley baby. You smile ALL the time and we love it!
-You are also a very content and happy baby. You really don't cry or fuss much unless you're very hungry.
-(Poop talk warning) You won't poop for 3 days and then on day 4 you have like 4-5 big poopy diapers. This has become the cycle. I don't like those days. ;)
-You still don't really like your swing when it's on (I'm guessing maybe it upsets your reflux) but you're perfectly happy in it when it's still.
-On April 19-20 you spent your first night in your crib in the nursery! We finally moved you out of the living room because we were convinced our neighbors truck was waking you up every morning at 6 when he left for work. Since then you've also started sleeping through the night consistently....maybe we should've moved you earlier! You've had zero issues sleeping up there, knock on wood!
-You have a sleeping/feeding schedule that is pretty consistent from day to day unless I take you out and about (because then you just sleep in your carrier). You stay awake after almost every feeding for 1-2 hours. You nap solidly from 11-3ish almost every afternoon. If you have a feeding in there you eat but immediately go back to sleep. You are very awake in the evenings but like to start falling asleep around 9. I always have to wake you for your last feed before bed. You still eat every 2-3 hours during the day usually with one 4 hour stretch sometime in the afternoon.
-You've had a few bottles but you will NOT take it from grandma or others very well. Grandma will try and you just play with it. She hands you to me and you suck it down. I think you'll learn quick when she watches you because mommy has to go back to work soon!
-You are just starting to get better head control during tummy time. For a while we thought you had mild torticollis because you strongly preferred turning your head to the right. We've been working on turning your head the other way, and you could you just didn't want to, and you are getting a lot better! I used brother's light up personal fan thing he got for Easter to get your attention, haha!
-You love the book, "Where's the Ladybug". The pictures make you smile so big!
-We moved the changing table back to its old spot in the living room now that the pack-n-play is gone. I also moved all of your clothes up into your nursery (they were on the changing table). The living room looks a little neater....for now. I plan to build the exersaucer for you this weekend. I think you will love it but it takes up a LOT of space! Edited to update: I built the exersaucer today...you're not big enough yet, but, you like to look at the toys on it from your swing. :)
-You were a very good baby and spent most of the day apart from mommy at Uncle Tyler's wedding. You also got to go along with the girls to get our nails done before the wedding and tag along to rehearsal. Lots of people were happy to hold you and keep you content during the busyness. :)
Blake was thrilled to have a family picture taken at rehearsal haha! |
Even the best man stole you for a little while! |
The only picture I got of you on the wedding day; diaper changing time! |
-I would say your favorite things right now are, in no particular order, drooling, staring at mommy, staring at daddy, laying on your play mat, spitting up, and watching TV. Yeah, I said it. You enjoy the TV while you're in your swing. Definitely a second child perk. Don't judge. Haha!
-You talk a lot these days. Lots of coos and squeaks that are adorable.
-You like to bear weight on your legs and pretend to stand, with mommy and daddy's help of course. You don't have those kind of baby super powers...yet. :)
-I put you in the bumbo seat one time just to see how it'd go. You kind of liked it (for about 30 seconds) but needed a little head assistance. That was towards the beginning of the month; I think you might be ready to try again soon! It'd be so nice for you to join us at the dinner table without mommy or daddy holding you while we try to eat. Although sometimes I just like to hold you anyways if I'm honest. :)
Oh, and Blake thinks the bumbo is still his FYI ;)
And of course, I took a few less than a million adorable pictures of you this month:
Enjoying snuggle naps while I can |
Meeting Aunt Anna for the first time |
Snoozing at Olive Garden |
Sleeping Beauty |
11 weeks old! |
Making your future boyfriend cry, haha! |
Kennedy and Emmett -born a little over a month apart |
Getting in some grandma snuggles |
So photogenic! |
Snuggles with Grandpa |
Cutie patootie! |
Hanging out with Jonah - you guys are just a couple of months apart! |
Every night you get some snuggle time with daddy :) |
We love you so much baby girl!