Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kennedy - 4 Months

Does time fly faster with a second child around? I'm convinced it does. You are FOUR months old and cuter than ever!

Doctor Stats (you were closer to 4.5 months):
Weight: 14 pounds, 12 ounces (53rd percentile)
Length: 26.25 inches (96th percentile)
*The nurse made a surprised sound when she measured're so long!*
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (77th percentile)

Memories from the first half of month 4:
-You have started squealing and cooing a LOT and it's so cute! You are quite loud and very high pitched. You especially love chatting away on your playmat. You must be talking to the little lion or monkey. ;)
-Though we cloth exclusively during the day we still use the gifted disposable diapers at night and you are officially in size 2!
-You wear all 3-6 month (or 6 month) clothes.
-So many people have commented on how long you are and we say it too (all the time)! You're a very "tall" baby. :)
-Your favorite activities are: playing on the playmat, bath-time (but NOT getting out), and laughing at mommy, daddy, and brother.
-You don't enjoy me cutting your nails but you tolerate it. I try to do it while you're nursing.
-You started sleeping 10-11 hours at night about a week before I needed to go back to work; thank you baby girl! You go to bed around 8:30, about a half an hour after Blake, and wake up between 6 and 7. You wake up cooing, not crying, which is adorable. And the fact that you go to bed earlier makes mommy and daddy feel *almost* like functioning adults again.
-I am determined to make you a momma's girl, and you kinda are right now because I feed you, but you looove your daddy! I'm not sure how you'll react if he ever shaves his beard; you love staring at it.

-You came along with mommy and daddy on our "romantic" annual weekend getaway. It was definitely different bringing you along but lots of fun to spend one-on-one time with you. Daddy said more than once how much he enjoyed being with just you since he's often corralling Blake.

-We bought you a hazelwood necklace to help with your reflux (you still take meds) and it has helped significantly! You spit up WAY less. Mommy was a doubter (daddy got talked into it), but now I believe in it's "magic". ;) And, I have to say you look pretty cute with a little necklace on.
-You giggle when I tickle you and it's so sweet! You're especially ticklish under your left ribs. ;)
-I finally got around to taking pictures of your nursery. It's very similar to what it looked like for your brother, however, I did change out the artwork above the crib to something I made at church with the other moms. I didn't think we should have "BLAKE" above the crib for you. :) The nursery is still one of my favorite rooms in our house. So light and airy; I love it.

I spy a smiling baby :)

Memories from the second half of month 4:
-You are getting much better at holding your head up and keeping it up! You will keep your head up for a minute or two if I prop your arms under you while you are on your belly.
-You can't keep the pacifier in your mouth for long without it falling out but you do like having it to fall asleep for naps. At night you usually don't need it for long, if at all. Sometimes daddy is nice and will hold it in your mouth for a few minutes until you get really sleepy.
-I cannot figure out a nap schedule for you during the day because there is no consistency in your daily sleep patterns! Some days you sleep all morning and then are awake all day. Other days you take a super long afternoon nap and stay awake all morning and evening. Sometimes you just don't nap all day! I realize you're still a little young for a nap schedule but I'm hoping by the end of the summer you sleep at more consistent times.
-You do not roll over yet but you scoot all over your crib! We'll put you to bed facing one way and you wake up having done a 180! You also wake up on your side a lot. I think you'll start rolling over soon.
-You love smiling at people!

-Blake was kind enough to pass on a cold to me and you. Yours is not bad; just a little bit of a snotty nose and some general fussiness.
-You can grasp toys but it's not coordinated yet. You love swatting at and grabbing toys dangling from your play mat.
-When I'm changing your diaper or holding your pacifier in you like to grab my arm with both of your hands and play with it...brings back memories of Blake playing with my elbow. It's all these small, cute things that I forget so quickly!
-Sometimes when you're nursing I'll sneeze or blow my nose and you'll pop off and give me this intense look like, what the heck mom? It's hilarious. I wish I had a picture of it.

Pictures from the past month:

Reading "Where's the Ladybug?", your favorite book!

Can you just stay little forever?

 Our first Mother Daughter Banquet

Talking with Opa
Finally big enough to spend short bits of time in your exersaucer...if you're propped with blankets!

Zonked out in the junior high girls' Sunday school room

Brother joined in on the photo shoot fun!

We love you sweet baby girl!