We finally have internet! Yay! In the end, after spending *hours* (literally) on the phone with Stupid Comcast, the solution was........
drum roll.
We buy a new modem! Yay! NOT.
Anyways, so now that we have a shiny new (used) modem compliments of Amazon, I can finally share all of the pictures that have been sitting on my camera! And yes, my dear techie nerds, amazon had the modem cheaper than newegg and tiger direct. :)
So moving on, here are a couple of pictures from the last few days of apartment life. What you see here is all of the drapes from the new house drying in my living room. Looking back at this, I may now realize why I swear my couch smells like dog. Interesting.... The drapes were already washed, but it still did not remove all of the animal hair.
Such a mess......and that clock may never have such a perfect spot again. :( |
The next several pictures were taken our last night in the apartment right before we went to bed....our family was coming early the next morning to help us move....I was very concerned about how much stuff was still lying around!
But in the end, most of it was in a box.....I kept packing while the boys hauled stuff out :)
What a mess! You see one cupboard there still full....but all the rest were empty! I wasn't that behind! |
Folding our last bit of laundry from the apartment. I do the wash, Brandon folds it. :) It's a wonderful thing! |
How did I fit all of that in there???!!! |
Goodbye bold green! |
*tear :'( |
My parents, brother, friend, and Brandon's brothers all came to help us move!
It was so nice to have the Sprinter to move with....only 2 trips! |
Very focused driver. You have to be with your wife sitting next to you while all of her precious materials are being transported! lol |
My orchid got VIP service. No it is not dead, it will bloom again next year. |
And now, onto move in day at the house!
The kitchen is painted in a new deeper shade of red than it was previously. |
The dining room is pretty much the same color.... :) |
There's that pretty "Seascape Blue" I was telling you about! I love this color! |
Our bedroom. The two walls you can't see are a deeper shade of green. It's very nice! |
It takes a crowd to move our SUPER heavy hide-a-bed couch. |
You can do it! |
Getting the pancake mattress in place ;) |
Ahhh, finally in place. |
Now you didn't think we got through this day completely without a hitch did you? Oh no. So, we had picked up our bed mid week. On move in day the boys took it out of the box and began to see how they could put it together. I walk in and am like, hmmmmm, that looks interesting. That is NOT the bed I ordered. The boys were clueless obviously. So, I called the store and we worked it out that I would get a discount and we would return the bed and get ours pronto. They would have delivered it and such, but I wanted to get it done.
Neil and Brandon putting together the correct bed! |
My gorgeous new bed! I LOVE IT! |
My birthday happened to be during the first week we were in our house. My husband loves me :)
This picture is proof to my family that I am capable of outdoor work. Sweeping the grass that I mowed.
I hope you didn't actually fall for the idea that I MOWED the lawn....lol That was definitely Brandon.
But I did sweep :) |
Brandon's parents sent me a Cookie Creation for my birthday!!!! So awesome! |
YUM! |
Maggie brought me flowers! They are beautiful! Shameless plug for Maggie's Flowers! |
I had lots of wonderful birthday gifts! Thank-you everyone!
The house is still a mess. I feel like if I clean one room it all ends up magically in another. :) I wonder how that happens? lol Upstairs, our painter is not finished so we cannot fill closets or really unpack much up there yet....so it is pretty much a drop zone right now.
The blue room. Yuck. |
The newly yellow room :) Future guest bedroom. |
Another project I sort of took on this week was the bathroom. Quite simply, it is tiny and I didn't like the looks of my stuff in it. So, I went on a quest (using my birthday as an excuse) to make it prettier. :) But I also had to stay in a budget.
Ok this picture does not really do my point justice....but just believe me that our shower curtain did NOT (in my opinion) match the walls. |
I also hate these shelves and hate that my stuff has to sit out for everyone to see. But I am learning to embrace them for the time being. |
Ah Target, I knew you would not fail me. :) |
Brandon was very involved with the shower curtain process while discussing fantasy football draft picks with his friend. lol He did eventually get off the phone to his credit. |
Ah, so much better. Crisp, clean white. Love it! |
Also a new mercury glass toothbrush holder! :) |
It's the small things that make me happy! And a new bathroom look did the trick! I was also pretty successful at finding places for all of our bathroom "crap" in cupboards and closets. Only a few bigger things ended up on the dreaded shelves. And I have to admit that the washcloths and hand towels don't look bad on them. Brandon says it's because the cover up the ugliness. Haha! He may be right.
So anyways, the process continues. I'll definitely be keeping you updated... Can't wait to be done with this part, but I know it's a part of the journey! :)
Ughhhh :) |
1 comment:
Its a toss up for my favorite part between the awesome bed and Maggie's Flowers =) It looks great and we are happy for you. If you ever want to put some Uppercase Living on those nice colored walls you know where to find me.
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