Hello everyone! I have so many updates since my last post! But, I'll only share a couple of them now to keep you in suspense :) Heehee
Well, first of all let me share with you our totally unexpected new purchase. About 2 weeks into being cozy new homeowners I decided to make a delicious meal for my husband. So far, I have nailed the part of adoring wife who has dinner on the table as soon as the husband is home from work. This time however, things did not go as planned.
I was making a casserole that I've made many times and after about a half an hour of baking I noticed the oven was not heating up very well and the preheat button was not going off. We had noticed the night before that our cookie dough dessert took much longer than usual to bake, so I was suspicious that something might be wrong. Well, I put in my crescent rolls, which usually take about 15 minutes to bake, and 1 HOUR later, they were done enough to eat and the casserole was warm through.
Yup, you got it........broken oven. Bummer. So, we called in a repair man and he discovered that the "motherboard" of our electric oven was done, broken, dead, fried, whatever. The cooktop still worked though. Ordering a new "motherboard" was going to be mighty expensive so Brandon, my wonderful husband that he is, offered me a choice. He said I could order this new part and be happy with this oven the rest of my life, or we could go shopping and get a gas stove/oven like I've wanted. What did I pick?
Duh, shopping.
We headed of to the scratch and dent store first. What is their first question you may ask? "Do you have a gas hook-up for your oven?" My thought: I don't know woman, go to my house and look! What I actually say: "I don't know, I guess I didn't think about that." So, we ended up driving home only to discover that our entire house is electric with the exception of the furnace. Ugh.
A dilemma, yes? Well not really. Not only do I have a loving husband, I also have a loving daddy with spare copper :) So, my WONDERFUL dad came over the next day and put a new gas line across our basement as seen below. :) Then the shopping really began. We went to many different places, but in the end we got our oven from Sears. I HATE Sears....but they had the best deal and their appliances are alright....I can't lie.
Dad working hard for us! |
The new shiny gas line :) |
Hooking it up |
The old, broken oven :( |
After lots of hard work, and me almost exploding because I'm a dumb blonde....literally.....we have a nice, new oven!!!!!! And I just made some beautiful pizza rolls in it today using the convection feature. They were delicious!
Pretty :) |
Some late hours for these two :) |
So anyways, that's the end of my oven saga. Here's a little blip about the new, manly item, before I go on to more feminine things :)
The new edger. Brandon loves it! I forgot to get an "after" picture, but the lawn looks WAY better.
Sorry this post is not over yet! There is one more thing (well things, actually) that Brandon and I put a lot of money and effort into: New BLINDS
Here is what we saw when we took possession of the house and shut the blinds for the first time:
So, we took it upon ourselves to gift our new house with lovely new window coverings. More shopping, yes! It was a very intricate process and took a lot more time and effort that I expected. Haha!
Back to Lowe's we went:
So many choices! |
Picking out a style |
We look so tired :) We were there for about 3 hours. |
Because Lowe's took so much longer than expected, I needed to Red Robin to wind down. Okay, maybe I just wanted it anyways. ;)
Yum, yum, yummy! |
We ended up going back the next day so that we could take some sample books home and make sure that the choices we made were going to look good.
Picking out dining room pattern. |
Brandon looking at my final choices. |
And then, the order was placed and we received them a couple of weeks later! We had some trouble putting up our fancy living room blinds so my dad came over to give us an extra pair of eyes. Of course he got the problem fixed on his first try...go figure. :)
They're finally up! |
They are so pretty! Of course, these pictures don't do them justice. |
Putting in our bedroom blinds. |
Gorgeous! |
New bathroom blinds :) |
New natural roman shade in the dining room. |
And the other living room windows :) |
We are so excited to have all of our blinds up! They make such a difference in the look of our home. We are thankful that God has blessed us both with great jobs so that we can afford to do nice things like this. Well, if you made it this far, thanks for looking! Next post, I will update you with some Fall/Halloween decor I have put up and some of our yard projects. Stay tuned!
1 comment:
yay!!! Your house looks fabulous Nicole!!!!! I love the blinds and the oven.... so jealous!!!
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