Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Settled In

Well, I'd say it's official (and maybe has been for a while) that we are "settled in".  Our house feels like home and we love it!  

The winter has brought on a whole different side of home ownership   We are stuck inside a lot more and all of those outdoor projects we had in the fall are on hold.  We did just place an order for flowers however!  Already looking forward to the spring!

Brandon has really embraced his inner handyman in the short time we've had the house!  A little while back I was leaving for work and I noticed some parts lying on the ground when I opened the garage door.  I refer to them as "parts" because I had no idea what they were. :)  A spring thingy and some wires...  :)  After making a couple of trips and some phone calls we got the parts to fix our creaky old door and Brandon went out and fixed it!
Old and new spring "thingies"

This is the other side, but he replaced both :)  Can't have one old and one new.

Hard at work.
One of our indoor projects was cleaning the basement.  We bought a bunch of plastic bins so that we could get rid of all of the cardboard boxes we have.  Our goal is to paint the floors and the walls in the spring or summer so we wanted to clean up in preparation.  We also got some pallets to set our boxes on because we weren't sure if we would get any water/moisture in the basement during the winter.  So far, we haven't (knock on wood)!
All of our stuff stacked up on pallets
A few more things under the stairs

All of our broken down cardboard boxes! (in the box from our new wet vac!)
So that's just a bit of what we've been up to inside.  Outside we've been dealing with all of the SNOW!  We bought a shovel and our neighbor graciously snow blows our drive when it's really nasty.  We share a driveway so usually whoever gets out there first just clears the whole thing.  I will clarify that Brandon does this...not me!  I do however tackle the walking areas with the shovel

One of our first big snows....Brandon did not have any 

We went shopping!  New boots for Brandon!  
He loves his new boots so much he shovels for me all the time now...haha! Just kidding, I don't think that's the reason!

Our ever growing pile in the's three times this size now!  

Our pretty tree :)

Such a great guy!

Hope everyone is staying warm!

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