Wednesday, October 1, 2014

14 Weeks

October is here!
And in my book, it's Halloween time! My house and classroom are fully decked out in pumpkins, owls, orange lights, and anything else I find festive. :)

Baby, of course, will have to be decked out in October next year so I've been shopping early. Here are a few of my festive finds:

The clothes on the right are from Gap last season, on the left, Carter's this season, and the pumpkin hat was given to us this past Sunday as a gift. Someone knows I love the Fall!
 Aren't these leggings just adorable? Glittery black it!

As we enter the second trimester, I've been starting to think more about the nursery. Right now, the room is currently my wrapping room. I have drawers full of wrapping paper, bags, and tissue. It's all kind of a mess, but we started clearing it out a bit last night. People are starting to give us things here and there for baby (like the bumbo seat and toy you see there) so I better start making room! I'm excited to put it all together!
We won the cradle in a silent auction. That will be used in our bedroom. 
Baby's closet was full of board games, winter coats, and bridesmaid's dresses! Brandon moved that out and I was able to put in a few of the things that we have for the baby.

Baby also received his/her first gifts from Grandma Sandy. A soft little blankie/animal and a baby book!

And now, for the 14 week bump-date:

How far along? 14 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: lost 1/2 pound but I haven't been to the doctor again. I'm guessing I've gained a little bit.
Maternity clothes? No but I bought a couple more things from Gap maternity this week and I'm sticking to looser fitting pants/skirts.
Stretch marks? No but my stomach is definitely getting tighter. In the mornings it feels extremely tight in my lower abdomen. 
Sleep: Sleep has been excellent this week and I haven't needed a nap every day!!!
Best moment this week: Brandon, co-workers, and students have all mentioned that I have "popped" in the last couple of days. I have a cute, round little belly. This morning Brandon said he loves "petting" my bump. Awwww. :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? Sitting/standing for extended periods of time without getting a backache.
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: KFC bowls...I've only indulged once. Some people call them "heart-attacks in a bowl". :/
Anything making you queasy or sick: Apparently my prenatal vitamin. I haven't been nauseous in a while so I got ambitious and took my pill in the morning instead of at night one time this week. Let's just say my stomach revolted. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes and apparently it's beginning to resemble a baby bump. Yay! :)
Gender prediction: Girl.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! It's the holiday season! :)
Looking forward to: Registering (eventually) and Mom and Dad coming home from vacation!

Happy Hump Day!

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