How far along? 22 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: +9lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, all maternity bottoms and maternity tops here and there.
Stretch marks? No, but the belly button is starting to look odd. :)
Sleep: This last week I have felt as though I returned to the first trimester (almost). I am sleepy ALL THE TIME but yet I do have the energy to get things done here and there (like putting up the Christmas tree!). I CANNOT watch TV without falling asleep after school. Seriously...I was almost late picking up Zoey from doggy day care because I was out.
As for nighttime sleep, it's been okay. I am very sleepy around 9, go to bed around 10, and sleep pretty soundly until about 4-5 am and then I toss and turn until my alarm goes off. Also, and this is very strange for me, I am sleeping in my summer (sleeveless) nightgown in my summer sheets (no flannel sheets, no heating blanket) and usually kick them off! Hormones do crazy things!
As for nighttime sleep, it's been okay. I am very sleepy around 9, go to bed around 10, and sleep pretty soundly until about 4-5 am and then I toss and turn until my alarm goes off. Also, and this is very strange for me, I am sleeping in my summer (sleeveless) nightgown in my summer sheets (no flannel sheets, no heating blanket) and usually kick them off! Hormones do crazy things!
Best moment this week: Feeling hard baby kicks and seeing a couple from the outside of my belly!!! Brandon was not able to see it unfortunately, but, it shouldn't be long now! ANNND, Brandon's brother got engaged this week! Yay!
Also, since I was a slacker blogger, the best moment last week was putting together (okay, supervising the putting together of) the crib, dresser, and night stand. The nursery is really starting to come together now! You'll have to wait for pictures...but here's one of the room when everything was in boxes :)
Also, since I was a slacker blogger, the best moment last week was putting together (okay, supervising the putting together of) the crib, dresser, and night stand. The nursery is really starting to come together now! You'll have to wait for pictures...but here's one of the room when everything was in boxes :)

We actually got to see a model of our crib in person (before it was delivered) at the Pottery Barn Kids in Chicago. That was nice, since I was going off of online pictures and reviews. It's a very sturdy crib and I love it!

And we got lots of fun things at the Land of Nod! That store is so cool...I just had to snap a couple of pictures :)

Have you told family and friends: Yes and everyone (on my side) will get to see the bump tomorrow for Thanksgiving!
Miss anything yet? I miss the willingness I once had for portion control!!! Hahaha! This holiday season will not be easy for me!
Movement: A few days after our ultrasound I felt a lot of rolling and ever since then I've felt pretty steady kicks. They feel a little weird, but I love them! When I saw a couple kicks from the outside of my belly I was in awe. I would press in and feel a little kick back. So cute! Once this week though, baby kicked my bladder hard a few times in a row. Not cool baby, not cool.
Food cravings: POP. And sparkling cider...which I haven't had. Well, honestly I haven't had much pop either. But it sounds good all. the. time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I had grilled chicken this week! So that's a step back in the right direction. Honestly, the only thing (besides raw meat) that's been making me queasy this week is Bones (the TV show)....gosh that can be nasty.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and feeling lots of stretching/round ligament pains.
Gender prediction: Girl.
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In but getting shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving and BLACK FRIDAY!!!!
And, in honor of all of the food we will be consuming this week...I will leave you with a picture of the delicious cheesecake we enjoyed in Chicago. :)
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
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