How far along? 34 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: STILL +13 lbs. This means I haven't gained any weight since my 25 week appointment. I asked the doctor if this is okay, since all of the things I read say baby should be gaining 1/2 pound per week, but she assured me it was fine. She said not to eat any more or less, just continue with my normal eating habits. We'll see what this last month brings. ;)
Maternity clothes? Definitely. I ordered a new smaller pair of maternity jeans from Gap because my current pair are so baggy in the backside. Bad idea... I wore them for one day and I think I cut off circulation to my poor baby's head!!! It was sad because I got them for a great deal but I had to return them. On a side note, I also ordered a pair of their maternity "dance pants" (essentially yoga pants). As their sizing chart suggested, I ordered a small. Um, I could barely get them over my kneecap... Thanks Gap. *I feel I must clarify that most of my maternity clothes are from Gap and I LOVE this was just a disappointing day!
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: SLEEP. I love it. And I know I'm going to miss it soon. I get very sleepy at school and typically fall asleep on the couch after school...hello first trimester again? At night, I sleep pretty soundly the first half of the night, wake up to use the restroom (this is every night now), and then sleep, but more restlessly, until my alarm goes off.
Sleep: SLEEP. I love it. And I know I'm going to miss it soon. I get very sleepy at school and typically fall asleep on the couch after school...hello first trimester again? At night, I sleep pretty soundly the first half of the night, wake up to use the restroom (this is every night now), and then sleep, but more restlessly, until my alarm goes off.
Best moments this week:
1) I had my first baby shower! This one was given by my mother-in-law and WOW! She spoiled me! She and Melissa made me the most beautiful diaper cake (and two mini diaper cakes) I've ever seen. I almost burst into tears when she brought it out. Hello hormones! We were staying for the weekend so Brandon helped set up and then left with the boys. Us girls had lots of yummy food, played a couple games, and then I opened presents! I must say, I impressed myself with my baby food identifying skills in the first game. ;) Here are some pictures:
2) Receiving this surprise chocolate chip pie from the best cook at church!
3) FINISHING my lesson plans for my long-term sub. Hallelujah!
4) Snow day today so I could finish my paper for grad class. Another Hallelujah!
5) Finishing the nursery! I will be posting on our nursery soon!
We have also set up a few things outside of the nursery to prepare for baby's imminent arrival. In the living room we set up the changing station since the nursery is upstairs, complete with our new diaper genie in the corner. I hope it doesn't give off a stench or it won't live there for long! And yes, that is baby laundry there...even though baby isn't even here yet! It starts now.
And we also set up the Rockaroo (thanks mom!), the baby swing that actually fits in our home, so that Zoey can get used to the movement. At first she creeped around it and stared at it when it was turned on with her beady little Border Collie eyes. Now, she seems to have made peace with it. :)
And P.S., here is our new couch! I took this picture the night it was delivered. Love it!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!Miss anything yet? I've missed having a clear complexion for a while now. Nobody warned me that junior high acne would return with a vengeance.
Movement: Less ninja-like moves and more moves that make it clear space is tight in there!
Food cravings: Oatmeal and I'm thirsty all of the time as well.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I don't think so.
Have you started to show yet: Uh yes. I'm getting the "you look ready to pop" line from pretty much everyone now. Oh my.
Gender prediction: Girl??? Brandon still says boy.
Labor signs: When I walk or stand for too long I get tiny little contractions (Braxton Hicks) but besides that no. When the real ones arrive, I've got my warrior face ready! lol
Belly button in or out? It's official, I've seen the bottom of my belly button. Never thought I'd see the day. It pops through looser shirts, but when I have all of my layers on you usually can't see it. It also gets very irritated if I bump it or accidentally rub my belly against things. Poor, sensitive belly button skin.
Wedding rings on or off? On. One of Brandon's female co-workers was SO jealous that my ring is still on. I guess I'm pretty lucky that I haven't had any swelling issues. *Knock on wood.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited to meet and see this little person!
Looking forward to: More baby showers and maternity leave. :)