Wednesday, February 4, 2015

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: Still +13lbs as far as I know. I may have dropped weight this week however since I caught the stomach flu. After almost 5 hours of throwing up every 10 minutes I had to go to the hospital for IV fluids and a bunch of poking and prodding. Good news, baby is okay and I'm finally eating a little bit of food again.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: While being sick sleep has been plentiful. However, before I got sick I was starting to get more restless. I've been a bit stressed trying to get stuff done for school (work), grad school, and baby. 
Best moments this week: 
-I was able to use a snow day to get the nursery cleaned up and as ready to go as I can. We still need some things to finish it up. I plan on doing a nursery post soon with some pictures! 
-Also, Zoey turned 2! We officially have a "teenager" on our hands. Haha! We didn't do anything super special (because I was too sick to move) but she did get to go play with her friends at day care all day!
Already sleeping like a teenager. Of course, if you know Zoey, this is a rarity. 
-Our new couch is getting delivered this afternoon!!! 
-My mom bought the cutest little "going home from the hospital" outfits! One boy and one girl. They are from this really cool brand that uses magnets instead of snaps or zippers. It's called "Magnificent Baby". Here's the website if you're curious:

Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? Um, eating like a regular person currently.
Movement: Lots! Less kicks, more rolling and shifting. It's starting to get a bit cramped in there I think. ;)
Food cravings: Still Culver's chocolate peanut butter shakes...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Um, yes. The stomach flu. Boo.
Have you started to show yet: Yup and occaisionally I run into things with my belly. Oops, sorry baby. ;)
Gender prediction: I'm back to thinking girl...but pretty much everyone else (including Brandon) thinks boy. We shall see.
Labor signs: While at the hospital I was having small contractions because of the irritation the flu caused. However, they got better once I had fluids back in me and I was not dilated at all. Good news there.
Belly button in or out? I would say it's pretty much out. It doesn't really "pop" since I had such an innie to begin with...but it is certainly stretched to the max!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I did leave them home for church again.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I'm both excited and slightly terrified that we only have about 7-8 more weeks to go!
Looking forward to: Baby showers! :) 

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