Friday, March 20, 2015

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: I'm up to +17/18 pounds. I gained a little bit at last week's appointment and then dropped a pound this week.
Maternity clothes? Yes and some don't cover my belly! 
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: Sleep is great. I think it helps that I'm a natural side sleeper though. I have a harder time getting out of bed however (especially for those middle of the night bathroom runs...sometimes twice a night now) and have asked Brandon to give me a hand every now and then in the mornings. :) I am also pretty consistently tired all day. It didn't help that it was exam week this week (read: grades are due). Monday, my long term sub starts and I cannot wait! She is excited to teach and I am excited to spend my last week in a more supportive side role.
Best moments this week: 
1) Finishing grades at school...I can breathe easier now!
2) 2 more baby dad's side threw me a wonderful shower and my co-workers surprised me with a shower (breakfast included!)
Here are a couple of pictures from Aunt Sandy's shower for me:
Delicious food and cheesecake!
Our little ice cube babies. Whoever's ice melts the fastest has to yell, "My water broke!". 

Below is a group shot from my work shower. Not everyone is in the picture but it turned out nice. :)
And....I had to throw in the selfie. It was the eve of epic Pi day (hence the shirt). ;)

3) Third best moment was actually a couple of weekends ago after I wrote my last post. After so many showers I was overwhelmed with the amount of things I had received and frankly did not have the energy to sort through it all and put it away. So my WONDERFUL mom came over and helped me get everything unpackaged, washed, and put away. We even ran out to return things I got doubles and triples of. This whole process took almost all of Saturday and part of Sunday too. I am so thankful for her help! Tyler stopped by for a little while and got put to work as too :).

4) Bought some last minute items we needed including the 4moms Breeze playard in the picture (don't worry, it's not staying in the middle of the living room!). The cradle I was planning on using ended up not working out. Apparently the mattress is completely not a standard size so I couldn't find anything to fit it. That's okay though, the playard will be nice for the cottage and traveling. 
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? I miss being able to move and change positions comfortably. And I walk so slow now! I have to tell Brandon to slow down a lot and he replies, "you're the one who taught me to walk this fast!" Haha!
Movement: Movement is happening but clearly baby has run out of wiggle room! Odd bumps often protrude from my stomach and are sometimes uncomfortable because my skin is already so stretched. I love feeling the baby though; I know I will miss it.
Food cravings: Anything not good for me. Haha!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Have you started to show yet: My nickname at school is "Ms. Basketball Lady" so I'd say yes. ;)
Gender prediction: Most people are saying boy now but I still think girl. We'll see if my "mother's intuition" is correct soon!
Labor signs: Baby is in a good position, I am having contractions every day, and doctor guesses that baby is in the mid 7 to 8 pound range but that can be off by a couple pounds either way. I think I'm on schedule. :) I have been convinced this entire pregnancy that I will go to my due date or later, so if baby makes his or her appearance this week (because I'm much closer to 39 weeks than 38...slacker blogger) I would be totally thrown off guard.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Spending what could potentially be our last week as just a couple together.
A couple of pictures from our walk last weekend at the Gardens:

And of course I'm looking forward to making use of this car seat! We're ready to meet you soon Baby!

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