Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blake - 2.5 Years

You are 2.5 years old ALREADY. How on earth did that happen?
Blake, you are certainly developing a personality and are such a goofy, silly boy at home! Out in public you are much more quiet and like to observe everyone around you, especially other kids. But at home we see your wild side!

-Popping through your 2 year molars...ouch!
-Daytime potty trained! You potty trained pretty quickly, especially for being like 2 and 1/4 years old. Everyone said cloth diapered kids potty train earlier....perhaps they were right. :)
-You know your alphabet (obviously) both big and little letters and you can read the names "Blake", "Mommy", and "Daddy".
-You can count to 20 but you pronounce fifteen, "five-teen."
-You know all basic shapes.
-You can sing lots of songs by heart (and on tune!)
Potty Training
From the mouth of Blake:
-"Daddy want a potty candy for trying?" (Daddy had been sitting on the toilet for a while)
-At the zoo, "Blake, where's your tail?" Blake: "I don't have a tail, I have a BUTT." (emphasized)
-"Daddy a cwazy driver!"
-"Daddy have a big peepee. (Looks down) Blake have a little peepee." ;)
-We say, "You're such a big boy!" and you respond, "I'm not big, I'm GETTING big."
-"Did you sleep well Blake?" Blake - "I did." (It's never yes or no, always I did or I didn't)
-"I have a little brother sister in my belly!" (holding up shirt)
-Mom says "Blake, you're silly" and you respond, "No YOU'RE silly, I'M goofy."
-After a spanking, "But Zoey does it too". Little stinker! I had to explain that she doesn't know any better but Blake is a boy, so he does know better.
-"I'm Nemo." Mom - "Who am I?" Blake- "You're Dory."
-"There's the MAIL MAN!" You are obsessed with mail trucks!

Pictures (so many pictures...):
Mommy probably shouldn't have taken this, but I love the way you look when you pray! I just wanted to capture it. :) Sometimes you spontaneously burst into prayer and it's adorable!
You LOVE animals. You had to hug every goat at the petting zoo!
Accessories are your jam! You love wearing grandma's pearl necklace around your head.
Family shot!
You are such a helper. You love helping mommy in the kitchen and daddy outside. Good thing you have your own wheelbarrow!
Recently you've started to love Finding Nemo (and the movie "Cars") so Nemo comes along on many adventures. Baby is usually only invited on walks. ;)
Your first camel ride. You loved it!
You love flowers (and plucking them when you probably shouldn't)!
Helping daddy get your big boy room together.
Play time!
"Mom, cars are silly. I put my letters on the road, see?"
Swimming at Grandma's. You LOVE swimming!
Checking out your new bed before the top bunk was added!
Helping daddy (again) build your bunk bed.
You were so excited to buy your first underwear that you wouldn't let me keep them in the shopping bag!
You loved the airplanes before the 4th of July Parade.
While mommy and daddy were cruising the Caribbean you had fun at Grandma's!
Wearing your necklaces proudly, haha!
Getting ready for bed....maybe? :)
Slipper theif
Photo from Grandma: Playing at the park!
Memorial Day - The day mommy found out she was pregnant. :) Also the first time you ate corn on the cob!
Pool time!
You love playing with water!
Children's Science Museum
You and daddy had lots of fun here!

Mini photo session :)
We had lots of fun waiting for Grandma B. to arrive
Blake and Daddy
Your first time on a school bus!
By the Big X (your word for windmill) :)
Blake, we think you're the best kid ever! You are going to be such a sweet big brother and we love watching you grow....although mommy may have burst into tears on a family walk just thinking about you growing up. Let's blame that on the hormones. ;) We are so thankful God chose us to be your parents!

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