Saturday, December 23, 2017

Blake’s Big Boy Room!

I finally got around to snapping pictures of Blake's Big Boy Room! We love it so much and Blake thinks it's pretty cool too. ;) Some days he admits that the nursery is for the baby and other days everything in the nursery is, "MINE!" Baby steps, haha!

He has been sleeping in his big boy bed for a couple of months now. He does a great job and never gets out of bed until we come up to get him. There were a couple weeks of transition time where he woke up during the night crying but he seems to be content now. He still sleeps in a crib at grandma's and a pack'n'play at daycare but the transitions do not seem to bother him at all.

His room has a dinosaur theme and we picked out a lot of the pieces especially for that. We did not do an ABC theme....all things in moderation!

The view coming in:

We got the bunk bed for free(!) from a family at church. That sure was a blessing!And it's low profile so it fit! The bedding and tee-pee/cushion are all from the Land of Nod, my favorite children's store! The walls were pale yellow before this was his room and we didn't change anything about them. They actually match his bedding perfectly!

In this picture you can see his PBK chair that I just brought up from the living room (time to make room for some baby gear), his personalized growth chart (it says Blake at the bottom but you can hardly tell here), and a made-up bed....definitely only for pictures, haha!

His nightstand is not really used except for his camera monitor. We do love the "rock" shaped lamp we got from the Land of Nod and use it occasionally. We also keep some of his extra stuffed animals on the bottom and the books we read every night.

 Here's some of the wall art in his room. The only thing we haven't done yet is put up his metallic letters that were over his crib (they spell BLAKE).

Nemo, Dory, and MeeMaw (the red panda) are his go to animals for bed. Nemo is an absolute must have.

He got a new dresser in his big boy room! The white one is staying in the nursery. Just a few knick-knacks and his fan are there for now; his dino shelf and glow-in-the-dark dinosaur are pretty cool though. ;)

And finally, the most loved space is the Tee-Pee that fits perfectly in the nook. This is where bedtime stories are read under the glow of Christmas lights (that stay up year round)!

Hope you enjoyed the mini tour!

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