Wednesday, May 9, 2012

House Hunters

So, there is a reason that we decided to start a blog.....and it was not just to talk about ourselves.  :)  Brandon and I have decided to take the next big step in life and buy our first house!!!!  I've seen so many cute blogs where women follow their pregnancies and since that is not in the plan yet, I thought it would be fun for you to follow us on this journey.  Some day we'll get to the babies and all the cute stuff, but for now you'll just have to deal with this!

We are so excited to begin looking for a house.  I've always been obsessed with them.  I've gone on the Parade of Homes every year since I was a baby and if I weren't a teacher, I would pursue home architecture.  This was rather a quick decision on our part to decide to look for a house.  Our notice came from our apartment offices that our lease was almost up.  At the time, I was perfectly content just scanning homes for sale online for fun; critiquing them for being messy or awful or occasionally awesome!  Haha!!!  I was also obsessed (and still am) with watching online episodes of "House Hunters" from HGTV.  Through all of this, Brandon and I started slowly warming up to the idea that maybe we could move.  We went to a few open houses just for fun one weekend and before I knew it, Brandon was saying we should look for a house. 

Now I realize that in our economy it is a great time to buy, but I was blind-sided by this.  My husband, who said we would stay in our apartment for 5 years, was saying we should MOVE???  Woohoo!!!  Okay, that wasn't my exact reaction.  In reality, we started praying about it and discussed the pros and cons of home ownership.  In the end, we have decided that it would be better for us to build some equity in a small house than to keep paying rent. 

To be honest I am a little scared of owning a home.  We are not rich by any stretch of the imagination and I keep thinking what if something bad happens?  What if the water heater breaks?  What if we need to replace the roof? What if, what if???  But I know that God has this in his plan for us.  Beyond that fear I am BEYOND excited to decorate a new home.  I will definitely keep you updated on that front.  :)  Brandon is excited to have a yard to play around in and I am trying to convince him that a golden retriever would be the perfect addition to a new house! 

We meet with our bank tonight to see if we can get pre-approved.  We are very excited to hear what we can afford so we can start narrowing down our huge list of choices!!!  Our realtor is already sending us e-mails daily with more homes to look at.  We hope you will be praying that we can find the right house!

1 comment:

Dan Nauta said...

Hey Nicole. Dan Nauta here. I'm working at Arbor Mortgage, so if you need help or a second opinion, let me know. My advice fpr you is to check closing costs on your loan and always get a second opinion on rates. Feel free to shoot me a Facebook message if you need anything! Good luck!