Miss Kennedy Leigh you are SEVEN months old! I have to combine months 6 and 7 into one post because my laptop was at the repair store for a few weeks. And, since I don't remember the definite split between what happened in month 6 versus month 7, we will just do one big post on both!
7 months |
Always putting things in your mouth! |
6 months |
Memories from months 6&7:
-You went to the doctor for your 6 month check-up. All looked good and these were your stats:
Weight: 16 pounds, 13 ounces (62nd percentile)
Length: 27.25 inches (the nurse seemed amused by how long you are, ha! 92nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches (88th percentile)
-You started baby food at a little over 6 months of age. Your first food, green beans, was not your favorite, however, you've liked everything else. Now, at 7 months, you have ventured into the mixed food purees and you don't mind the green beans. Your favorites are definitely sweet potatoes, butternut squash and bananas. Here's a few pictures I took of those first green beans:
-Around 6.5 months we dropped to 4 nursing sessions a day (AM, lunch, late afternoon, bedtime) and 3 meals. This way you only need 1 bottle while I'm at work. So far it's worked well. Sometimes I'll nurse you one extra time on weekends.
-I think I mentioned this in my last post but you can roll over both ways. By 7 months you were rolling onto your belly immediately when we laid you down on the floor or play mat.
-You are incredibly curious (nosy even) about everything going on around you. You arch your neck, even strapped into your car seat, so that you can see whatever it is you want to look at. If lying on your back, like on the changing table, you will lift up your head and shoulders to look around. You must have some amazing core strength!
-You make a fabulous dolphin sound effect ALL THE TIME by buzzing your lips and making high pitched melodies. It's hysterical and makes all of us laugh.
-You also have a very serious face when you are focused or hungry.
-You cry so rarely that I can't remember the last time you really cried (knock on wood). You do fuss when you're hungry or want out of your car seat, exersaucer, etc.
-When you started daycare you refused to take a bottle from Miss Carol. You would cry/scream for up to 45 minutes she said. Mommy felt so bad. Luckily by week 2 you took it from her. You used to not drink for grandma either. You would take the bottle but not actually drink anything until I gave it to you (because we were usually out together). Hopefully you continue to be comfortable drinking your milk with other people....we still have grandma's backup sitter, Miss Sue, to get used to.
-At 6 months you took 2 big trips and did pretty well overall! We are training you young to be a professional shopper. Toronto was HOT but you survived with your stroller fan. That was a great purchase! Occasionally you got overtired and we had to coax you to sleep but for the most part you were a happy camper.
Ready for the Toronto Zoo! |
Niagara Falls! |
-You and Blake are best friends! Instead of "Girl" he has moved on to calling you "Cutie" and it's adorable. He keeps you very entertained when you are in your car seat, high chair, etc. He loves you so much and you ALWAYS have a smile and a squeal for him. <3

-You don't make the barbaric sounds anymore...it's back to squeals and GIGGLES! You don't often laugh at things....you just giggle to yourself randomly (or at Blake). It's pretty funny actually. Like in the car we'll just hear you work up into a fit of giggles at absolutely nothing, at least as far as we can tell!
-You are so close to sitting up but not there quite yet.
-Just a few days before 7 months we moved you up to size 3 disposable diapers (that we still use at nighttime).
Pictures from the last couple of months:
4th of July! |
4th of July parade |
Some tired kids on vacation ;) |
Double decker bus tour...before you had a complete meltdown |
Sleeping in the aquarium |
Snuggling at our vacation house |
Boat tour with daddy (& everyone else) |
Awww |
Attempt at family selfie |
I took this picture because you so rarely cry that I had to document it, haha! |
Goofy girl! |
Always watching what's going on |
Blake took you for a walk. He was SO proud! |
Cousin party! |
Fun on our shopping trip! |
Serious face from K |
It got a bit hot at brother's gymnastics class! |
Lounging in the baby bath with your long legs sticking out of the sink! |
Big blue eyes of a tired girl |
Playing in your room |
Bounced out. (Sleeping in your bouncer at grandma's!) |
We love you more than words can describe precious girl!
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