Tuesday, May 12, 2015

2 Months

Blake, you are 2 months old already! Time is flying by and we swear you get bigger every day! Life with you is definitely starting to get a bit easier and we are settling in to our new normal. :) 

2 month stats:
11lbs, 13.5 oz (37th percentile)
23.25 inches (60th percentile)
Head circumference 
15.5 in (56th percentile)

Here are some memories from the past month:

Memories from weeks five and six:
See...it wasn't that bad (You just had to eat first!).
-Your favorite song is "The Ants Go Marching One by One". There is a particular one on YouTube that I play that will calm you down 99% of the time. It's hilarious.
-Sometimes your right eye wanders a little bit, no, not towards pretty ladies (yet). Mommy has typical "first time parent" paranoia about this. I'm sure it's probably normal. ;)
-We have intentional smiles! Yay! Gassy smiles are still around too. :)
-You got a yucky case of cradle cap on your eyebrows and the area in between giving you a nice flaky unibrow. The nurses suggested leaving it alone but after some googling I bought Mustela's infant foaming shampoo and it was gone after two washes! Sorry nurses, I couldn't stand the yellow flakes any longer.
-You love it when we make noises like "spspspsps". I'm not even sure how to convert that sound into a typed word...
- You moved up to size 2 diapers at just shy of seven weeks. You were ready a little bit earlier but we wanted to get rid of our size 1's first. You're growing crazy fast kid!
-Speaking of growth, you had another growth spurt during week six. You ate more at each feeding and only slept for about five hours each night for a few nights. Then one day you slept pretty much ALL day and then slept eight hours that night. I was okay with it :-) You weighed 11 lbs. 5 oz. (after eating) the last time I weighed you right before the growth spurt. 
-You have started spitting up a lot more often. It's not bad and it doesn't seem to bother you one bit. I keep your bib on a lot more just as a precaution. The Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature feeding Bibs are the best! Keeps those neck rolls clean. :)
-Your Bachelor pad (aka the Nursery) got too warm so until we can put your air conditioner in you're crashing in the living room again. 
-You love napping in mommy's arms in the afternoon. Mommy loves it too.

Memories from weeks seven and eight:
-You sat in the Bumbo chair for the first time. It was just for a few minutes but you thought it was pretty cool. :)

-You've started turning your head side to side following things with your eyes!
-We got your air conditioner put in so you are officially back in your nursery. We took the playard down so the living room is a little more open now, thank goodness!
-You really like being held right now. You get a bit fussy in the afternoons when I put you down to try and get things done around the house. You are only content in your swing in the morning (usually).
-You are still in 0-3 month clothes but I've  gotten 3-6 month out too because it won't be long now!
-You had your first trip to the cottage for Memorial Day weekend! Grandma and Grandpa loved having you around. You did not particularly enjoy golf cart rides unless you were in the moby wrap or the infant carrier. 
-You are a darn good sleeper. Typically you sleep from 11pm to 7am and then after your feeding go back down until 10-10:30ish. Some nights that doesn't happen, but most nights it does. You are awake for most of the day. You take a nap in the afternoon for an hour or two and about an hour nap in the evening. There is no set schedule for those naps though. This week my goal is to establish day time naps! (In your crib, not my arms...) 
-Sometimes when I burp you between sides you get mad because you want to keep eating. You will cry and arch your back and straighten your legs. Strong little boy!
-You don't cry every time we put you in your car seat now. #win
-Spit bubbles and drool are your new thing. He got long eyelashes from dad and drooling from mom...awww. ;)

And now some pictures from month 2!
Bath time! 
So precious :)
Such a goon! 
Streeeetchhhh! We love this!
Giving some love to Daddy on his lunch break :)
This one cracks me up!
At the cottage...excuse the spit up spot lol
Napping on grandma's bed.

It's been a month full of adventure! Can't wait to see what month 3 brings!