Tuesday, August 8, 2017

13 Weeks - Baby #2

How far along? 13 weeks, 3 days (officially in the 2nd Trimester!)
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds gained
Maternity clothes?  Today was the first day I wore full on maternity clothes and boy was it comfy!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep:  I slept a bit better this week. Not waking up as much to potty. I have been sleepier in the afternoons, but not taking naps. I don't want to jinx my nighttime sleep!
Best moment this week: I think we can officially say that Blake is daytime potty trained! He wears underwear everywhere now! Yay! Still an occasional accident but he definitely gets it. Also, we bought a dresser for his big boy room so I think we will transfer him over in the fall (?) so that I can start getting the nursery ready for another little one. :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? Enjoying ice cream. I mean, it's probably healthier this way....but still.
Movement: Haven't felt anything that I was SURE was baby since last week.
Food cravings: Milk, lemonade (not together!) Food just doesn't sound that great even though I'm constantly eating and snacking...
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I get hungry I get queasy...hence snacking all the time. I also still get nauseous every night from 8-9 pm until bed.
Have you started to show yet: Yup. I feel way bigger than I did around this time with Blake.
Gender prediction: I keep thinking girl...
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but impatient when tired.
Looking forward to: Halloween and all things fall! And, dare I say it, I am excited to start a new school year!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

We're pregnant (again)!!! 12 Weeks

We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting our second baby around Feb. 10, 2018!!! And mommy is not so secretly hoping for a Valentine's baby or at least a little newborn to put in Valentine's clothes. :)

We found out we were expecting on Memorial Day 2017. Baby 2.0 is already wrapping up the first trimester and mommy and daddy are starting to wrap our heads around the idea of another baby! 

Just like with Blake I plan to do weekly updates of my pregnancy. I love looking back at my posts with Blake and can't wait to do them again! I'll start with the bump shots we got leading up to this post and then share this weeks update. There are actually 2 weeks between the week 6 and 7 bump shots because the doctor changed my due date from Feb. 3 to Feb. 10, putting us 1 week behind what we originally thought. 
Baby bloat!

7 Weeks - In Florida for our cruise!
8 Weeks - On the cruise ship! Full of mashed potatoes. :)

A very real bump starting to replace the food bump!
How far along? 12 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds (likely from last week's trip full of eating out!)
Maternity clothes? I wore a maternity shirt just because I liked the color, but, no I'm not in maternity clothes for real. I have two pairs of bigger shorts I'm rotating between. Most of my shorts and capris don't fit. I don't know about my pants since it's summer and I'm like a walking furnace.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I napped every afternoon earlier in this pregnancy (approx. weeks 6-8) but no longer need them. I have not felt as tired this pregnancy and I don't know if that's because I'm busy with Blake or my body is just more accustomed to growing a tiny human. But, if I do fall asleep in the afternoon I have a much harder time sleeping at night, which has already not been great. Sleeping at night has definitely been more hit and miss than I remember with my first pregnancy. I wake up 1-2(+) times to potty and toss and turn after about 6 am. Since it is the summer, I usually stay up until about 11 pm.
Best moment this week: We had our first official prenatal doctor's visit and got to hear the heartbeat (161) and were told that everything looked great so far! We actually had an early ultrasound done around week 5 due to some bad cramping I had and heard the heartbeat then too (it was 122 I believe at that point). It's always so cool to hear! Also, Blake has been improving with his potty training!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? Sleeping soundly and not feeling sick in the evenings. Also carrying Blake without becoming winded like an out of shape whale. ;)
Movement: I swear I felt the baby rolling around once last week, last night and this morning. This morning I am pretty sure it was the baby!
Food cravings: Strawberry poppy-seed salad, cereal, milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: With Blake I couldn't do anything chicken....not the case this time. I know this is hard to believe.........but my (former?) favorite Triple Peanut Butter Cup ice cream just sounds AWFUL. Ughhh, it's crazy. Also, ice cream in general just doesn't sound great. And most things healthy just don't sound great. I'm eating like a little kid. Weeks 6-8 of this pregnancy I had terrible morning sickness from about 4pm until I went to bed. I actually had to take meds for it. Family and friends have joked that it's probably a girl because it's giving me a hard time. :)
Have you started to show yet: Yes. We were ready to announce to the world but I also knew I couldn't really hide the bitty bump much longer! Depending on the outfit, I'm in that "Is she pregnant or just fat?" stage. It's lovely. ;)
Gender prediction: Girl? (I'm afraid to say since I was wrong about Blake pretty much the entire pregnancy) Also, we aren't finding out the gender again! Sorry to everyone that disappoints, haha!
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: A growing bump, Fall things, and a "shortened" school year!