Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blake ~ 3 years

What happened to my tiny baby boy! (insert weeping emojis...lots of them)
He grew into a big boy!

Blake, you are such a cool kid and so gentle and polite most of the time. :)
I've been compiling a list of things to include in this post and since it covers a 6 month span I think I'll just list things as usual. Except for the changes you had as a newborn, I think you've grown and changed more in these last 6 months than ever before! I'm typing this during your nap time which has shrunk down to 1-2 hours instead of 3, however, today you're not feeling well and going on 4(!) hours...I'll take that as my hint to sit down and start typing. (Updated to add: You woke up about 2 seconds after I started typing)

3 Year Doctor Stats:
Weight - 36 lbs, 3.2 oz (87th percentile)
Height - 3 ft, 2 in (64th percentile)

Here we go!

First off, we've tried to keep a list of all the funny things you've said lately. Toddler talk is the BEST, hands down. Some of these required some context, others did not.

Blake Quotes:

"Uh oh scoobettios"

"Rubble ON THE double"  - When I asked if Rubble was a character from Paw Patrol. We've since learned all about this show. His response to my question cracked me up!

"Oh gracious"

"BONK" - You say this ALL the time. When you slap your head (a habit we don't like), fall down, rough house, etc.

"Mommy/Daddy I NEEEEED you" - What you yell from bed.

"What should this be? Is it for me? What should it be?!" What we heard every time you were handed a Christmas present. :)

After having some bubbles in his pee (in the toilet) - "Are those bubbles for my bath?"

"Mommy, do you love me?" (Yes) "Will you bring me french fries?"

Baby "Kendidy"

Puts on stethescope - "Give me your money!" (Can't make this stuff up!)

"Umm, Um, MOM I can't think of the word!"

Favorite Songs:
The ABC's
Jingle Bells
A to Z Star Wars Song (a song mommy and daddy made up to the tune of A to Z with Noah)
The Lord's Army
Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Skiddamerinkidinkidink I love you
Ring around the Rosie
From Star Wars soundtracks (yes the classical music): The Force Song, Imperial March, the main theme, the Ewok song, the AT-AT Walker song....mommy doesn't know the real names. And you can hum them all in tune from memory...

New interests:
-Helping in the kitchen. You like to help set the table, "do dishes" (play with dishes and water), and when you're in the mood, cook with mommy.

-Star Wars. Star. Wars. All the time. It really started with the same book that got you hooked on letters, Star Wars ABCs. You had never seen the real movies but through that book, playing with daddy's old star wars figures, listening to the music and getting some related toys you became infatuated. Honestly I'm thankful for a break from the ABC obsession...though I don't know much about Star Wars (I've become a quick learner). Daddy loves it! He's let you watch 1 or 2 of the movies but he fast forwards all of the violent and even semi-violent parts. You love seeing the characters on TV, especially Chewbacca. Thanks to daddy we have the Star Wars soundtracks in both vehicles and that is what you always want to listen to. Mommy kind of misses our old sing-a-long songs (we still listen to those now and then) but it is admittedly quite cute to listen to you hum along to every song on the Star Wars CD's. We often hear you humming the songs through the baby monitor at night. :) You got a TON of Star Wars toys from Grandma, Opa, and Uncle Neil for your 3rd birthday so you are one happy little boy!

-Story Books. You are really interested in and enjoy longer stories now and we LOVE it! Mommy and Daddy might have a tiny obsession with buying you books and probably help keep Usborne Books in business, haha! One unique style of book you like are the Shine-A-Light books where we use a flashlight to find the hidden think those are so cool! Some of your favorite books lately are: Little Critter, Harold and the Purple Crayon, the Gobble Gobble Moo Tractor Book, Star Wars Story Books, The Book with No Pictures, Noisy Pirates, The Children Who Loved Books, ABC board book, & 10 Minutes Til Bedtime.
-Phonics. You and daddy like to play a game where you guess the first letter of the words he says. You're pretty good at it. (surprise, surprise haha)
-Playing with others. You have finally reached the age where you actually play with others around your age and it's so cute! You have your first best friend, Mason, from daycare and it's so fun to hear you talk about what you guys did. You even admit when you did naughty things like push another girl down because she was "in Mason's way"...oh my! (Don't worry we've had lots of discussions and now we say, "excuse me" instead ;) ) When Mason isn't at daycare you cry. :( I feel you bud, it's no fun to spend the day without your friend.
-We do a daily devotional with you, "God and Me". It's geared towards your age and you enjoy it most nights.
-Favorite movies: Finding Nemo, Finding Dory (but not as much as Nemo), The Incredibles, Cars, The Good Dinosaur, Star Wars.
-You LOVE Paw Patrol. Alongside Star Wars, these are your favorite characters and you have the little toys. You love playing with the "pups" (as you call them) and have started playing with them and your Star Wars characters together, making little conversations between's hysterical! Grandma and Grandpa got you more pups with their Sea Vehicles for your birthday. You were ecstatic!
-You love playing hide and seek in your bedroom before bed. You still think that if you can't see us then we can't see you. It's so cute!
-You are obsessed with obviously you had to be a mailman for Halloween. :)

The very first house you ever trick-or-treated at!

-For a couple of months you loved falling down and yelling, "BONK!" or "Ow."
-You've started understanding some simple games. You really like your Disney Memory game (we play 8 pairs and you MUST get the Nemo pair or there are tears) and Raccoon Rumpus. We tried Candyland but you were too distracted by the little people to play the actual game so we'll pull that one out a little later. You got another game from mommy and daddy for your birthday that we'll have to try soon!

-Unlike last spring when you basically stood by my side if we tried to play outside you seem to love exploring our yard this year. You especially love playing with all the tiny landscaping rocks we put down last year. We don't have any of your outdoor toys out yet but I have a feeling this summer will be a lot more fun! Hopefully we can do more than just draw letters with the chalk. ;)

-You officially have two items you must sleep with: a little giraffe blankie and Nemo. However as I type this you've given up Nemo for your new Rubble stuffie...but you dropped him in the toilet this morning (facepalm). So back to Nemo until Rubble gets a bath in the washer.

A few more things to share:
-Around 32 months your imagination bloomed and it's been beautiful and exciting for us to watch! I think the first time I noticed you using your imagination was when you were sitting at the kitchen table and making up a conversation (in a high pitched voice!) between Darth Vader and someone else. I was astounded! I had never heard you do that before!! From then on it's been all imagination play.
-In October you switched to a big boy bed and you've done fantastic in it and your new room. For several months you did not even try to get out of bed without one of us coming up and telling you it was time to get up. Shortly after Kennedy came home I watched on the monitor (after hearing footsteps above me) as you got in and out of bed bringing all of your books, one at a time, back and forth from the basket to your bed and back. You tried this a couple more times, with scoldings from mommy and daddy, but stopped after that. Now you stay in bed again.
-You've been day potty trained for about 9 months now. You still wear diapers to bed at nighttime. Some nights you stay dry but most nights you don't. Just this week you've started wearing underwear for nap, yay! We did try undies at night for a while, even waking you up to go potty, but it was unsuccessful. For quite a while you refused to go potty at daycare and you would literally hold it all day except for your naptime diaper. But a few weeks ago you started going for Miss Carol!
-For the last several months you were in 3T shirts and 2T pants. I'm buying your new clothes for the summer in 4T for shirts (you need the length) and 3T pants. If it's a set I do 3T so it will fit your waist.
-Favorite Foods: Berries (all kinds), bananas, ravioli, peanut butter and jelly, squeezies, and muffins.
-Favorite Drinks: Juice and chocolate milk (both of which are only served at grandma's house)
-You were so into Santa this year and couldn't wait to sit on his lap and ask for letters and hot cocoa. When dad asked you what you wanted you added a cup to the list. He asked why and you said for the cocoa. Of course!
-You and Zoey play a little bit now. You play tug with her, throw her ball (and she finally brings it back to you not us),chase each other, and play hide and seek with her ball.
-Your memory amazes us! You remembered in January (with zero prompting) that we carved pumpkins on Halloween with Grandpa's friend. There's been a couple other times that I was really surprised by what you remembered....but of course I can't remember!
-You love watching videos of yourself and mimicking your own behavior. You also love the photo effects (like snapchat filters) and you and I will sit on the couch making silly faces on the phone sometimes.
-You enjoy asking for cookies (and popsicles) for breakfast. It doesn't happen.
-You started gymnastics about a month ago and you LOVE it! You're in the Baby Bears class and there is one other boy in the class. His parents are thrilled another boy joined, haha! When I put your gym clothes on you get so excited and run around the house in circles. Athletic clothes might be your jam this summer. Not completely though....we just got a load from J.Crew (thanks grandma) so you'll be equally preppy. ;)

-You got a bit more emotional/clingy as my due date approached. After Kennedy was born you didn't have any major setbacks or emotional meltdowns but you were a bit more emotional in general. You liked to come down from nap and just lay your head in a chair and say you were sad. Stuff like that. But 2 months out and you seem to just love baby sister! You only really get jealous with grandma (sometimes with mommy too if Kennedy is taking up a lot of my attention that day/hour/minute).

-You are not into bikes or cars at all. Sometimes you'll play with a car for like 5 seconds. I take that back; you have a new set of mini cars from Cars (the movie) that you play with in the
-I am told you can recite the alphabet backwards without a second thought but I haven't actually heard you do it. It makes me feel dumb but you'd impress a policeman I'm sure. Haha!
-Back in October we took a roadtrip (your first of substantial length since you were a month old) to St. Louis for Zoey's Flyball Nationals. You had so much fun! Aunt Shannon and Uncle Tyler got engaged while we were gone and you are going to be the ring bearer (this weekend!). You were great in the car but quite the pistol during the trip. Time and schedule changes don't mesh well with 2 year olds...
Being silly in the car!

St. Louis Arch

St. Louis Arch

Top of the arch

All tuckered out

Pit stop at McDonald's

Playing in the City Museum (such a COOL place!)

Hanging out in the kennel room

Watching (kind of?) the action from above

During the races

You were the cowboy and all of our team dogs were dressed as farm animals for the Halloween party!

Stranger selfie during the ride to the top of the Arch!

And now....a variety of pictures from the last 6 months!

You and your buddy Jonathan!

Playing in the snow with daddy

Watching a video of storm troopers that grandma filmed at Disney World.

Playing with Uncle Chris and John

Getting ready to go see Santa!

Drinking hot cocoa at Santa's cabin

Your first Christmas program at church. You did great!
 Christmas Day:

Trying to be a big kid and playing the "shake your booty" game!

Helping Daddy at flyball practice

Snow for snack!

Mommy was impressed with your tracing skills!

In a police car!

The day before Kennedy was born you had a lot of fun!

The night before Kennedy was born...little did we know how our life would change a few short hours from this time.

You love "playing" on the playmat with sister

Helping with Kennedy's first bath

You found a pacifier and thought you were so funny putting it in your mouth!

Hug for the baby

One of two times you've agreed to "hold" Kennedy

A big Valentine's card from Grandma and Opa

A different gymnastics class we tried once

The gym we actually signed up with. You love it so much!

Wearing daddy's hat...hoping he'll be home from work soon.

Fresh haircut :)

A snowman in March!

You were not a huge fan of the Easter Bunny this year. You agreed to stand by him if Grandma held your hand.
 Your birthday:
We surprised you with balloons all over your floor. You loved it and basically swan dived into them!


Getting grandma with a Star Wars toy

I wish I could have caught your shriek of excitement when you opened your ABC transformers from Mommy and Daddy! I've never heard someone say "ABCs" in such a high pitch, haha!

And taken just today...making baby sister smile! :)

I wish I could capture everything about you on here so I never forget...but that's impossible. You are such an incredible little boy and I cherish every moment that I get to be your mom. Love you buddy!