Friday, January 9, 2015

28 weeks

Hello 3rd Trimester!

How far along? 28 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: +13lbs at my 25 week appointment. I will get an update at next week's appointment. I think I'm supposed to gain about a pound a week now...yikes!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Although the shirt in this picture is not.
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: I've been sleeping very soundly this week and usually waking up once for the bathroom. One strange thing though is that every morning I'll wake up a few times before my alarm and my arms from my elbows to my hands are numb and tingly...I'm not sure what's causing this but I will check with the doctor.
Best moments this week: 
-Getting back to school and seeing my students. Even though teachers love breaks from school (sometimes more than the kids) we still get excited to see them again.
-Attending our first session of the "Preparing for Childbirth" class. I may have had the "deer in the headlights" look a few times but we enjoyed it. I'm a teacher...I like learning. :) We still have 3 sessions to go.
-I finished both of my baby registries (BuyBuyBaby and Target)! I love fulfills my shopping cravings without the spending of money. :) BuyBuyBaby has everything baby so that registry is much more comprehensive (and long!), but Target is more convenient for many people so we have a smaller registry there too. 
-We used some money we got for Christmas plus some of ours we had been saving and ordered a new couch!!! I cannot wait for it to arrive!!!
-Speaking of furniture, we did a bit of rearranging of furniture in our house, specifically the living room, to make room for the impending load of baby gear. (We have a tiny house!)
-This may seem contradictory to my first statement, but it's a snow day today! Always very exciting for me...but I feel bad that Brandon has to go to work. :(
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? Every week I try really hard to think of something to put here...but to be honest I'm really enjoying being pregnant. I think I will miss all of the little movements I feel everyday in my tummy after the baby is born!
Movement: Definitely! I can see it clearly from the outside now and one of my students even spotted it once, haha! I did feel my first "rib kick" and it compares to the "crotch" kicks as far as discomfort. ;) Luckily I haven't felt another one yet!
Food cravings: Clementines! I seriously considered having one in my picture this week. I eat a couple every day! I have to do my glucose screening test today or tomorrow (if I can get out of my driveway) and I'm hopeful for good results so I can continue to eat what I like.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really; Brandon still deals with the raw meat for me though.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes, and everyone likes to point out how much bigger my belly is every. day. It's true though, it's growing like crazy now.
Gender prediction: I'm going to say either boy or girl...haha! I have no clue.
Labor signs: Nope and hopefully none for a while. Keep cooking baby!
Belly button in or out? You mean that alien thing on my belly? Lol. It hasn't popped, but it's almost there.
Wedding rings on or off? I always hear about foot and ankle swelling in pregnancy, but for me it's my hands. Since my last post my hands have started swelling more frequently. I have not taken off my ring yet...but I may have to soon. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy! We're starting to get really excited!
Looking forward to: Baby showers, finishing up the nursery, and meeting this little person! 

On a side note, we have been trying to prepare Zoey for baby's arrival. You can see below this cute picture of her is a picture of our "stand-in" baby. However, Zoey's not stupid and she totally knows it's a fake lol. She ignores the doll and brings us the ball instead. Yeah, we still have some work to do there. :) 

Mom, just play ball with me...I set it right next to you.

I hope you all stay warm this week!

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