Monday, October 5, 2015

Blake - 6 Months!

Blake you are half a year old already! Part of me feels like we were just in the hospital and another part of me feels like we've been parents for years. These past 6 months have been some of the best months of my life. You fill my heart with joy. I'm so glad God chose me to be your mommy.
Here's a look back at the last month:

This post is a little late because I wanted to include your 6 month checkup stats.
6 month stats:
17 pounds, 10 ounces (47th percentile)
27.5 inches (78th percentile)
Head Circumference:
18 inches (96th percentile)

We also had your 6 month pictures taken and I think they turned out really cute!

Memories from the first half of Month 6:
-You love kicking your legs around and flailing your arms. Sometimes you kick so hard in your Rockaroo that the swing quits rocking for a minute. You also start to kick when you get excited, like when mommy picks you up after work. :)
-Somehow you chuck your pacifier out of your crib almost every time you're in it. Mommy is getting sick of army crawling under your crib to retrieve it. Haha! ;)
-One day when daddy was shaving you got a handful of his shaving cream and got it in your mouth before we could stop you. It was pretty funny and we managed to wipe most of it out of your mouth before you swallowed.
-You've officially started solids. You eat cereal in the morning after your first nap and a vegetable at dinner time. We started with carrots. You like them a lot.
-You've started screeching a lot. Cute for now! ;)
-You finally learned how to roll the other way (belly to back)! Now you roll all over the place. You really want to start crawling too but you can't quite figure it out. The knees of your jammies are getting pilled. 

Memories from the second half of month 6:
-Mommy is officially back to work so you started daycare. You go to a home daycare three days a week and grandma's two days a week. You transitioned just fine and mommy did pretty well too.
-We've moved you up to size 9 month clothing gradually. Most of your 9 month stuff is for the fall so we squeeze you into 6 month shorts on the warm days.
-So far you've tried these solids (and loved all of them): rice cereal, oat cereal, carrots, squash, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, and honey crisp applesauce. I've bought the Beechnut brand jars and the Gerber "jars". I do not make your food from scratch nor do I plan to. ;)
-You went in the church nursery for the first time (during SS, you stay with us through the service). 
-You also got sick for the first time. Poor guy. You got a fever and daddy had to stay home with you. You also had a runny nose and raspy voice. You just didn't feel good for about a week. 
-You're still an awesome sleeper! You sleep approximately 8pm - 7am at night and take two 2 hour naps and a catnap during the day. 
-We keep wondering if you're teething. We're pretty sure your fever was cold related but I know that it can be a sign of teething (though some disagree). Your saliva seems to have a more watery consistency lately. We'll see.
-You LOVE cups and water bottles! Every time I have one in my hand or on a table in front of you you reach for it with your whole body and try to bring it to your mouth.
-You gave me "kisses" for the first time. Awww
-Every time mommy gives you a bath you think it's funny to pee all over! Last time you hit all of our clean pump and bottle parts that were drying....ughhh. I still love you buddy. :) Daddy claims you never do this when he bathes you!
-And finally, this has been going on for pretty much your whole life, but you are obsessed with Uncle Tyler. Specifically his face and beard. Hahaha!

And, as always, some pictures from the past month!
A very rare instance of snuggling captured here. He must have know I was heading back to work soon.
Caught mid-screech bouncing up and down!
Little soccer thug, hahaha!
Celebrating Opa's birthday
Checking out the stingrays with Zoey at the aquarium store.
We made Grandma a special birthday gift 
Out shopping, chewing on Sophie :)
After church
You think daddy is so funny!
Feed me mom!
Hanging outside while we play ball with Zoey
One night I came home from grocery shopping and found you like this. Daddy said you were playing and then just rolled over and fell asleep! You must take after mommy!!!

We love you so much Blake! Happy half-birthday!

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