Sunday, April 1, 2018

Kenndy ~ 2 Months

Kennedy, you are  TWO months old!

Doctor Stats:
Weight - 11 lb, 5.5 oz (45th percentile)
Length - 23.75 in (92nd percentile)
Head Circumference - 15 in (39th percentile)

Memories from the first half of Month 2:
-You were prescribed Zantac for reflux and you're like a whole new baby! You were projectile vomiting a LOT and this has helped immensely. At one point it was rolling down Grandma and Grandpa's walls...I called the doctor the next day.
-Though you are so much better, as mentioned above, you have continued to vomit each time I give you your vitamin D drops before bath time. I've stopped giving that to you until I can talk to the doctor.
-Now that you can sit in your bath seat in the sink full of warm water you enjoy baths (and you're very wiggly!). You scream when we take you out to dry you off. I don't blame you there girl.

-Mom got a raging case of double mastitis that had me down and out for a few days. Aunt Shannon and Uncle Tyler babysat you and Blake so daddy could take mommy into Urgent Care. Luckily we were back before you needed to eat again because you've never had a bottle!
-You are officially in your cloth diapers full-time except the overnight diaper. I'm choosing to just use disposables for that one diaper change simply because we were gifted a few boxes of size 1 diapers and may as well use them! I must say it is way easier cloth diapering a newborn than a toddler.
-We introduced the pacifier a little bit during week 5 and 6. You definitely don't really need it and you don't sleep with it but sometimes it calms you during your fussy hour in the evening. Poor dad thought you didn't like him for a couple days there because you were always a bit fussy when he spent time with you in the evening. We proved that wasn't true on the weekend. ;) We do have to slowly give you the paci to see if you'll take it. If we try to force it in you gag loudly. It's kind of funny even though it makes us nervous you'll puke again.
-You weren't a huge fan of your swing for a couple of weeks here. Sometimes if I just set you in it but did't turn it on that was okay. Or if you were sound asleep and I put you in it you didn't mind. However, by the end of this half of the month you didn't mind it as much again. I'm wondering if it bothered your reflux or something.

-At breastfeeding group I weighed you in at 10 pounds after eating (with a cloth diaper on)!
-Back to diapers, I *think* size 1's are starting to get a bit small already! I thought this was crazy but looked back at Blake's 2 month post (I love that I can do that!) and sure enough, he was transitioning to size 2 by week 7. WHY IS THE TIME FLYING! Whoever coined the term "The days are long but the years are short" was a wise person.
-You are much more snuggly than your brother. And I'm not complaining. When I hold you up on my shoulder you wrap your arm tightly around mine. Melt. my. heart.

-We endured the time change but you're back to waking up around 3:30 or 4 am each morning and then 3 hours after that again. The long stretches you had last month disappeared. I learned with Blake never to get excited when a baby sleeps longer or seems "scheduled" always changes. :)
-We had your newborn photo shoot on Feb. 21! You were a good baby; very photogenic if I do say so myself.
-You will spit up *guaranteed* every time we put you in your car seat. At least we're prepared.
-You are starting to get very drowsy after your 8 pm feed and then don't want to wake up well for your 10:30 pm feed. Mommy and Daddy wish you would so that you could get a full belly and maybe sleep a longer stretch. (Or we could go to bed at 8....but no thanks)
-You have had terrible baby acne. Your face, for a couple of weeks, was red and scaly. I knew it must itch because you would try so hard to rub your face against me when I was burping you on my shoulder. I called a nurse about it and they said to put breast milk on it at each feeding. That has actually helped a bit. It's not all gone but at least better. You also have a tiny bit of cradle cap on your eyebrows and head.

-You still eat every 2.5-3 hours except that overnight stretch of 4-5 hours.
-You are no longer swaddled for bed. You didn't really like your arms pinned (Blake hated it too) but the difference between you and Blake is that you sleep fine in a sleep sack. We did a couple of "trial" nights to make sure your arms wouldn't wake you up (from the startle reflex) and you were fine. The downside of transitioning to the sleep sack is that your hands got really cold so we bought you some mitts that velcro on so we don't have to worry about them slipping off.
No mitts here obviously :)
-You still sleep in the living room. The nursery has electric heaters so we're just saving money, haha! Being the second child you don't seem to have any issue sleeping through dad and Blake getting ready in the morning. :)
-You have started giving us intentional smiles and it's the BEST! You really like to smile at us on your changing table of all places. Diaper changes aren't so bad anymore! (You really don't seem to mind them at all unlike last month)

Memories from the second half of Month 2 (weeks 7/8):
-You continue to grow so incredibly fast!
-You still wear disposable diapers to bed and are still managing to fit in size 1.
-You fit into a couple 3-6 month outfits and have outgrown some 0-3 month (depending on brand) due to your length. You still wear 0-3 month most of the time.
-You had your very first bottle with daddy (1 oz, haha) to practice for Tyler's wedding. That's the only bottle you've had. You drank from it pretty well but I think you were a little confused. :)

-The day you officially turned two months you laughed in your sleep. It was ADORABLE! I can't wait until you start giggling.
-You usually wake up around 5 am, sometimes 6. We've only had a few 3 am wake-up calls these past couple of weeks.
-You coo all the time, especially for mommy. :)
-You like to hold your head up for longer stretches and then it falls down onto my shoulder and you pick it right back up and look around.

-You also love to stretch your legs and "hold" weight on them.
-If we can get you to sleep around dinner time and stay awake from 8:30 to 10:30 pm you sleep much better at night.
-You love your playmat. As long as your not overstimulated it is your favorite thing. When we lay you on it you give the biggest smiles and coo when the music plays.
-Daddy finally lets other people hold you without questioning their health, haha! (Although if we know someone is sick we don't let them hold you.)
-You finally were able to meet your Uncle Chris and Aunt Laura and cousin John at Blake's 3rd birthday party! They loved you!

-You make LOTS of funny faces. People comment on it all the time. Perhaps you'll be an actress (or a mime?)!
-Annnnd, you met the Easter Bunny for the first time!

And here's some other pictures from the month (mostly snuggly, sleepy ones!):

Milk drunk

Always a smile for daddy!

Sleeping in Opa's arms

I could definitely see your beautiful strawberry blonde hair in this outfit

Pretty in pink!

Getting snuggles from Grandma while Blake made you smile

We love you so much baby girl!  I can't wait for all of the adventures we will have together as a family of 4!

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