Monday, July 2, 2012

So When Do We Move?

Sorry I have not posted in a while!  I have been busy transitioning from teacher hours to office hours and I miss my 3-5pm relaxing time I used to have in the afternoon!  But, I can't whine, it's nice to be making some extra money.  :)  I know I promised pictures from Niagara Falls, but I have been too lazy to upload them when I'm at home.  I guess I'm having to much fun emjoying the summer weather! 

Many of you have been asking me when we move.  Well, we have received our final approval and we close on Monday!!!!  The bank sent an appraiser through the house and he did not find any problems that needed to be corrected.  That was an answer to prayers. :)  We gave the sellers 30 days to move so we can start moving-in on August 9.  We sort of hope they will move faster so that we don't have to pay any August rent on our apartment, but we did allow them the full 30 days.  Now we are working on getting home insurance because that is the last thing we need before we can close.

Brandon and I already have a page long, front and back, list of "To-Do's".  Though it may seem daunting, we are actually excited to have some projects to work on.  I sorted the list into 3 categories:  Easy Fixes, Sorta-Simple Fixes, and Hard (meaning expensive!) Fixes.  We hope to start hacking away at some of those before we move all of our stuff in!  We've also joked that we may need to add two lines to our budget:  "Nicole's House" and "Brandon's House".  This is because I want to save money for things like a new bathroom vanity, a bedroom set, new furniture, etc.  And Brandon wants new pipes, insulation, more boring manly stuff, etc.  Hahaha!  I joke with him, but we both agree that certain things will need attention before I start dragging him to UBU in the mall to look at couches!  As soon as we have the keys I will update you on our projects and get pictures too!  What fun is a blog without pictures, right?

Anyways, we've only "creep stalked" the house, as I put it, once or twice in the past month.  Haha!  This has been sort of a hurry up and wait process.  You have to hurry to "get" the house and then wait to really have it. :)  At least we know that our sellers have bought a house and will be closing soon.  Anyways, we are BEYOND excited to start moving.  Of course, that will require me to actually start packing all of the boxes I've brought home from work...  :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

Wow Nicole! I am so excited for you! :) It sounds like things are really coming together!