Monday, August 20, 2012

Home Sweet Home

As of Saturday we are all moved in!  We cleaned our apartment yesterday and turned in the keys.  Done.  I only cried a lit....okay a lot.  :)  Brandon and I were reminiscing about all of the things we had done in the one year we lived there.  He got ready for our wedding there, we left and returned from Europe there, my Grandma died while I was there, we spent time with many different friends there, I first decorated for all of the holidays there, in many ways, I learned to cook there, we took lots and LOTS of walks there.  *Sigh*  But we are moving on!

We discussed how we are into a new phase of our lives in the car.  I said, "Brandon, our next phase will be middle-aged."  But then we decided to shorten the phases a up would be "Parenthood".  Don't get any ideas, I think a golden retriever will be enough parenthood for me for awhile.  No, we don't have one yet...I'm just planning my future.  Haha!  Brandon likes Australian sheperds and now that I saw one at his mom's kennel, I want one of those too.  I'll take one of each please!  :)

Anyways, I'm sorry I don't have any pictures for you.  "Stupid Comcast" as I now refer to them, came to our new house to set up our internet and left me with no internet.  Don't even get me started.  Basically, my modem (which is on their approved modems list) doesn't work with their cable.  So, unless they can figure out a way to get it working....Brandon and I will have to purchase a new modem.  Oh Stupid Comcast.  I still prefer them over AT&T though.  Anyways, so no internet at the house means I cannot upload my pictures to my blog currently.  I do have them ready to go as soon as we fix this problem though! 

As for the house, we are all moved in but definitely not unpacked.  It took me a while to find all of the clothes I needed this morning so that I didn't go into work looking like a risque model!  Haha!  We have our new bed that looks SO nice in our bedroom!  Almost every room has been repainted already, but I found out this morning that our painter got in a severe car accident yesterday so one of our upstairs bedrooms and our back entry won't be finished for several weeks.  I'm just glad he's okay!  I love the colors so far.  Our living room is a "Seascape" blue and it looks wonderful with our dark wood!  I changed the color of one upstairs bedroom to light yellow.  I thought baby pink would look best with my guest bedding but I refused to have one baby blue and one baby pink room upstairs.  That's just too much!  lol

As for the rest of the house, boxes are everywhere!  Literally.  Brandon and I are so whooped that we are just ignoring them for the time being.  We want to enjoy upacking and setting up....not hate it, so we are pacing ourselves.  My parents have been super helpful, as well our brothers and friends.  Just remember, if you show up to see the house on moving day, you're going to get put to work (Alex and Anna)!  :P  I want to especially thank Anna and my mom for helping me get the kitchen unpacked.  That was so nice!

Our biggest dilemma so far has been closet space.  I have never had this tiny of a bedroom closet in my LIFE!  Soooo, sharing that tiny closet with Brandon is not ideal, but I'm a nice wife, so I gave him one rack.  :)  We decided to go to Target last night around 9 to look for a dresser that will fit in our room....but oh duh, it's Sunday and they closed at 8.  That's what happens when you skip church.  Oops!  So, that's for another day now.  We also seriously lack bathroom storage.  The hallway closet will essentially become our bathroom cupboard when we unpack.  But it would be so nice to get a mirror over the sink with a cabinet behind it.  If only I could find one that is not so UGLY.  I have been unsuccesful with that so far also.  If you see a cute one in white...let me know :)

So anyways, that is where we're at.  Hopefully "Stupid Comcast" will come through for me and I can get my pictures up soon!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I'll be excited to see the pics once you have them up!