Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Awesome

Ok, so I may have an inflated view of Brandon and myself...but we have done so much these last couple days!  Packing and painting is one thing, but let me just say that "changing addresses" is a whole different ball game.  It was like getting married and changing my name all over again.

First of all, there are so many phone calls to make.  So many.  I didn't think I'd have to make this many phone calls until the day I find out I'm pregnant!  (I'm not, don't worry!)  But here is what it looks like so far....and this is excellent:

Trash- Check....delivering our trash and recycle bins next week!

Gas- Check....we will have heating capabilities by Saturday.  lol

Electric- Check!  Our apartment and house are taken care of.  Self proclaimed meter reader here. :)

USPS- Check!  Not actually a phone call, but with a few clicks of the mouse, I have a new postal address and a 10% off Lowe's coupon!  Ka ching!

Home Insurance- Check  ~THANK YOU BRANDON!  You are the best husband in the world for calling multiple companies multiple times and getting us the best dang deal in town. :)

Internet- UGGHHHHH Check though!  In the war between AT&T and Comcast, Comcast won.  Cable companies won't screw this girl over. ;)

Water- Check.  The easiest switch there was.

Anyways, I think you get the drift.  Between all of these phone calls, we didn't get much more packing done since we were brain dead by the time we got home!  Haha!  So tonight is mega pack night!  We officially get the keys in 4 days!!!  So no more Mrs. Lazy.  I gotta get my butt in gear and my stuff in boxes!  But don't think the phone calls are over....there's always the ones we have to make AFTER we move, letting the all the banks and jobs and such know about our new home sweet home!  But for now at least, we are all set. 

Mr. and Mrs. Awesome :)

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