Thursday, March 5, 2015

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: Well, I finally gained some weight. I wondered, since I've been eating like a cow the last couple of weeks; I was just so hungry! :) I officially gained 2.7 more pounds, so now I am approximately +16 pounds total. But the last couple of days my eating has slowed down again, there's just no room!
Maternity clothes? Yes and even some of my maternity shirts are starting to get a bit tight. Yikes!
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: I start falling asleep around 8:00 at night. We've been having a Harry Potter movie marathon the last couple of weeks and basically Brandon watches the movie while I fall asleep. However, I don't have as much trouble waking up early for work. :) And it helps that it's getting light out in the morning now too! I still would not consider myself a morning person though. 
Best moments this week: 
1) 3 Baby showers!!! My mom's side and church were planned for this week. And then Brandon's co-workers surprised him with a surprise baby shower! He thought he was going to a work meeting at Red Robin (they do have meetings at restaurants occasionally so this seemed normal) but when he arrived he was met by a ton of his co-workers both old and new! I was invited to join later (I was out to dinner myself!) and it was lots of fun! Here are some pictures from my mom's side baby shower:

2) After what seemed like a never ending car seat saga...we finally have a car seat that I LOVE and it is in the car. Stuff just got real. We went with the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35 and it has so many features that I was impressed with (I'm a researcher) and it's super light which is a big plus in this wimpy armed girl's book. 
Image result for peg perego primo viaggio 4-35 atmosphere
It can also go onto our City Mini Stroller with an adapter...very exciting. (And that was part of the drama of our car seat "saga").
3) I finished my grad class! Now I can relax and focus on prepping stuff for baby.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss anything yet? I miss having the energy to put into work at school. Luckily my long-term sub starts in a couple weeks and we will be working together for a week, assuming baby doesn't make an early appearance.
Movement: I was worried for a couple of days that baby wasn't moving as much but now I feel it a lot more. I've just had to adjust to a different sort of movement as baby runs out of room to wiggle!
Food cravings: Back to ice cream and Culver's shakes the past couple of weeks!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Have you started to show yet: Definitely! Many people have commented that they think I'm starting to "drop". I have no idea, the view looks the same to me!
Gender prediction: Girl. My students are hilarious and try to guess based on my shape and lots of other old wives tales, but they are split between thinking boy and girl. :) They are also convinced that I secretly know the gender. Apparently they believe the doctor has to tell you the gender. Oh my!
Labor signs: More and more Braxton Hicks contractions and lower pressure. Baby is getting into position. Doctor was pretty sure baby is head down (but perhaps sunny side up). I've been trying to stay active, and by active I mean walking!
Belly button in or out? It's an outie...crazy!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've felt more easily irritated lately, especially after school when I'm just so tired. However, Brandon says he thinks it's all in my head (and maybe it is...). But I'm always happy when I think about baby!
Looking forward to: Taking care of last minute details to prepare for baby's arrival. I'm talking about you hospital bag...

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