Monday, April 6, 2015

Baby B has arrived!

We welcomed a healthy baby boy, Blake Tyler, into the world on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 3:23 pm! He was 9 lbs even and 21 inches long. 

A lot of people have asked about my labor and delivery. I was convinced that I would not go into labor until my due date or later. However on Wednesday morning, I woke up having what were  clearly contractions. They were very sporadic and approximately 10 to 20 minutes apart. Brandon wanted me to stay home from work but I figured I may as well distract myself just in case it was false labor so I went into work anyways. At work I tried to time contractions but it was difficult because I was teaching. They were anywhere from 5 to 10 to 15 minutes apart. My long-term sub had a meeting before lunch so I wanted to stay to teach class for her. By lunch time my contractions were strong enough to make me sweat so I decided I should go home. :) I called Brandon and he was about to head home for lunch so he asked if he should put his "away" messages on his phone and computer. I wasn't sure but he did anyways and good thing he did. :-) I had called the doctor but they were on lunch and the emergency nurse operator said they would call me back but to go to the hospital if I needed to. When I originally called at 12:30 my contractions were anywhere from 4 to 8 minutes apart. By the time Brandon got home at one they were about three minutes apart. He quickly ate lunch, packed the remaining stuff for our bathroom bag and then we headed to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 2 o'clock and they very quickly discovered how far along I was and rushed me up to a labor and delivery room. My doctor had the day off and the backup doctor was in surgery so Brandon said they were scrambling to find a doctor to deliver the baby. I was pretty unaware and focused on having the baby. :-) Finally a doctor arrived just in time because I was ready to push. At 3:23 PM, Blake Tyler arrived. The nurses joked that next time I may want to just head to the hospital as soon as I start having contractions, haha! A lot of other people have wondered if I used any pain medicine and no I didn't. There's no way I could've sat still to receive an epidural and I didn't plan on using one anyways. I spent most of the first day in shock that I had just had a baby!

Daddy holding Blake for the first time and doing skin to skin.

Little Blake (a bit swollen) looking like a little gnome ;). Our stuff in the background is literally thrown all over because everything happened in such a rush!

Grandma holding Blake for the first time. :) 

My parents were in the waiting room and didn't even know that I had had the baby. However my mom suspected that I had. They love him so much!

Later that night Blake got to meet Uncle Tyler for the first time. :)

Sleeping like an angel (during the day of course!).

Meeting Grandma and Opa Beukema for the first time. :)

Blake with Colleen

Meeting Uncle Chris

Meeting Aunt Billi and Maddie

Second cousin love :)

Becky and Blake

Little buddy all set to go home!

Meeting Zoey for the first time. So far, Zoey has done pretty well with the baby. She seems half afraid of him and half super curious. Right now she likes to sniff him a lot, tries to give him kisses (if we let her near him), and thinks he wants to play whenever he sneezes, haha!

Here are some pictures from his first two weeks home:
Chillin' in his swing.

Satisfied after a feeding (almost caught a smile here)

First doctors appointment.

Snuggling with daddy :)

Snuggling with mommy :)

Meeting Aunt Judy for the first time!

"Hey mom, can you quit taking pictures and feed me now?"

This next part is for me, but feel free to read along and laugh at me ;)

Memories from the first couple of weeks:
-Your first couple of days home you were stuffy and snorted like a pig!
-When you are done feeding you let me know by puckering your lips, it's hilarious :)
-Your favorite feeding time (when you like to eat a lot) is from 9 pm to 1 am followed by prime awake time of midnight -3 am. This is getting better though. You are starting to figure out day and night.
-You are exceptionally strong. You could hold your head up immediately after being born and you like to do push-ups on my chest.
-In typical boy fashion you have caught mommy and daddy off guard multiple times with your "fountain of urine" though we always try to be ready... You've had quite the aim, hitting the walls multiple times, the piano, and yourself (should I even be admitting this? #parentsoftheyear haha!) You also pooped once mid diaper change and made mommy scream, much to daddy's amusement!
-There are a few things in life that you do not like, anything that restricts you from moving. We have to sneak you into your swaddle when you're too sleepy to notice, you hate diaper changes because your legs are pinned, and you hate being strapped into your car seat but will fall asleep soon after. 
-You do much better for daddy going back to sleep after night feedings than mommy.
-You hated having your newborn pictures taken and peed all over mommy to let her know. Eventually you fell asleep and became quite the model. :) 
-Surprisingly you still wear newborn size clothes however you moved up to size 1 diapers after only a few days.
-You enjoy passing gas a lot. It is one of your immense pleasures in life and will often bring a smile to your face. ;)

We love you so much Blake Tyler and treasure all of the little baby snuggles we share!

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