Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kennedy - 8 Months

Baby girl, time is flying! You are 8 months old!


Blake loves you!
This month has had it's fair share of developments and fun!

Memories from the first half of month 8:
-On September 6, 2018 you sat up unassisted for the first time (for more than just a couple of seconds)! You are still pretty wobbly and should have pillows around you but you officially can sit up. Yay!

First time mommy saw you sit up for more than a few seconds!
-It's only a matter of time before you try to crawl or scoot. You want your brother's toys. The friendship you two have might be tested in the near future. Hmmmm. ;)
-You smile for everyone you recognize. Faces not so familiar get a more serious stare. You do smile a lot at home though!
-You popped through your first two teeth (bottom middles) at the same time! I would put the official date at 9/8/18 because you didn't feel very good that day while they were coming through. I was surprised because Blake didn't get any teeth until 13 months! But, you are your own little person and I guess you're going to teeth earlier and that's okay.
-While you were teething you did not each much baby food. You wanted nothing to do with it. You nursed fine.
-You have adjusted better to daycare. You are very tired after I pick you up though; you usually fall asleep on the couch while I'm snuggling you.
-You LOVE the "Indestructible" books for babies. You also love empty water bottles, so crinkly!
-Both Grandma and Miss Carol have said how much you love being outside during the day. You must take after daddy. :) It's true though, you smile the second we go outside. Winter might be rough on you...or we'll find you a poofy little snowsuit.
-You prefer sleeping on your stomach currently. It seems to change every month.
I'm not sure why I took this picture, but I have it ;)
-You seem to be a momma's girl. You like to be near me. I love it when I hold you and you press your cheek into mine. Melts my heart.

Memories from the second half of month 8:
-You are sitting up without any issue! I think you're ready for high chairs at restaurants; goodbye slings!
-I think that you might be getting just a slight touch of your first cold or maybe it's just allergies.
-You have such a serious look sometimes. Grandmas said when she took you to the mall a bunch of men were trying to get you to smile and you just maintained your grump face. Ha!
-You love nursing to sleep at night. Sometimes you wake up when I bring you up to your crib. I don't really remember nursing Blake to sleep after 6 months (maybe I did....I can't remember anything #mombrain). I love the snuggle time but hope it doesn't become a hard habit to break.
-You've been refusing to eat your baby food for supper quite a few nights out of the week. You eat your breakfast and lunch at daycare no problem. However, you will eat our table food if we offer it. I think you would prefer that...but mom's not ready for that mess yet.
-Daddy always comments on your "drunk" smiles after you finish nursing. It's cute. :)
-You're getting pretty good at grabbing small items with your fingers.
-You ate your first puff, literally one, because mom is still worried you'll choke on it. You've also had a few apple flavored rice rusks. The first time you loved it and made a big sticky mess. The second time you just kept throwing it on the floor and wouldn't eat it. Verdict's still out on those I guess.
-Your stocking arrived from Pottery Barn Kids! Christmas here we come! #priorities
-You have 3 awesome Halloween outfits. Mom apparently can't remember that you already have Halloween clothes because she keeps buying more! Haha!
-Speaking of Halloween, we're not quite sure what your costume will be. You might wear brother's elephant costume (it is gender neutral) or you might be a black cat. Grandma would HATE that...but it'd be so cute. ;)
-Everything goes into your mouth! Blankets, toys, the TV remote if you can get it, brother's stuffed animals, your shirt, EVERYTHING!
-You still don't take a pacifier. We gave up a long time ago. The only time I wish you would take one is at church. I want to keep you in the service with us, and I usually do through the first half, but you jabber so loudly I have to take you out during the sermon. Oh well. :)
-Towards the end of this month you started saying "Mama". I'm not putting it in the baby book yet because it's not really intentional, more a mimic, but I still love it!

Apparently I have been more busy than I realized with work and school because I think this is a record LOW for the number of pictures I have of you this month!

Hanging out at Grandma and Opa's camper

Cute picture Opa sent me of you playing with his keys

I love your sweet curls after bath-time

Hanging out in the highchair 

Hanging out with mom and Blake
Kennedy, we love you so much! You are such a sweetie-pie!

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