Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Kennedy - 9 Months

Miss Sweet-face you are 9 months old!

9 Month Doctor Stats:
Weight: 18 lbs, 2.5 oz (50th percentile)
Height/Length: 29.75 inches (99th percentile!!!)
Head Circumference: 17.75 inches (83rd percentile)
You gave the nurse a look of pure death after she gave you your shots!

Memories from the first half of month 9:
-You've gotten really good at sitting up! You play sitting up now more than laying down.

-You LOVE Blake! He always makes you smile. You are so curious about all of his toys and you're always twisting your head to watch him because you want to know what he's doing.
-I call you a stinker a lot because you are so inherently stubborn. You make it very clear what you want or don't want. If you don't want to eat something, you REFUSE to open your mouth. If you want to see something while we're holding you, you literally throw your body around until we re-position you so you can see. It's actually quite amusing...for now. ;)
-You started saying "Mama". First words. Melt. my. heart. (Okay, you don't totally 100% use it in context, but still)
-You hate being left alone in rooms. Miss Carol at daycare said you cry every time she walks out of your sight. At home, you always fuss if we leave you in the exersaucer (living room) while we're in the kitchen or dining room. You like to be able to see us.
-You're big enough now to be carried on my back in the Onya. You love it! I was nervous because you didn't really like being carried in front (because you couldn't see what was going on) but you seem to be very content on my back.
-You absolutely love looking at books. Your favorites are the ones with touchy feely things and the "Indestuctibles" that you can chew.
-You also love stuffed animals. Blake never really cared much about them but you get such a big smile on your face!
-You love chewing and gumming on anything you can get your hands on.

Memories from the second half of month 9:
-You got your first fever (which is actually surprising to me considering how long you've been in daycare) but the doctor said it was just that, a fever. There were no other symptoms; we didn't see any new teeth and you were not puking, congested, or having a runny nose.
-You are constantly bouncing! You just can't get enough of bouncing in the exersaucer, johnny jumper, etc. In high chairs (ours, daycare, grandma's, restaurants, etc.) we have to watch you because you start rocking it and literally have gotten the legs off the floor. We do NOT want you tipping your high chair over, crazy kid!! It also makes it hard to aim for your mouth with your spoon when your "dancing". Daddy got you in the forehead and mommy got you in the eye. (facepalm)
-You still nurse 4x a day and eat baby food 3x a day.
-You take two 1-2 hour naps a day and sleep through the night. You would probably take a 3rd nap if it didn't coincide with "daycare pick-up and getting home after work" time. ;)
-You rip your winter hat off your head in .2 seconds of mommy turning away.
-Normally you will wear your bows unless your hands realize there is something up there to play with.
-I'm including Halloween on this post because I just do one month's pictures together. You were an elephant but mommy failed to realize you were too long for your your arms stayed out, haha! You were still a pretty cute elephant! You stayed warm inside while Blake went trick or treating.

Hi there

Where's Kennedy?

-You are wearing 9-12 month clothes, mostly for length. 6 month shirts still fit. Some 9 month pants are too short. But on average, you're in 9-12 month.
-You belly laugh when Blake interacts with you and when he says "tickle tickle tickle" in a high pitch (and he's not even tickling you).
-At the very end of this month you got your two top teeth, about a week apart from each other. First one came in Oct. 24 and the second one Oct. 31.
-You've started eating the baby rice rusks occasionally in your high chair. You also eat some of our dinner sometimes.We watch you closely, you've choked a few times. You absolutely HATE the "Lil Bits" baby food in the Chicken Noodle flavor (we think it's the texture of the noodles you don't like) but you don't mind the other kinds. You also seem to like veggies more than fruits (who ARE you?!).
-You do not crawl, nor have you shown any interest in learning, but you do stand while holding on to things! You're still incredibly wobbly but you managed to stand for one of your 9 month pictures and it's adorable! Here are a few of your 9 month pictures:

We love you girl! Here are a few pictures from the last month:
Your first hay ride

And your first corn maze

Your mean mug

Playing at Grandma's

Giggles for Daddy

At Ryan and Rebekah's wedding

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