Friday, January 4, 2019

Kennedy - 10 months & 11 months

Mommy has been a bit busy lately so we slacked on blogging. Anyways, your 10 and 11 month updates are BOTH posted here! I had your 10 month blog done on time I just never got the chance to add pictures (and blogger does not make that easy). So read on friends; all the adventures of months 10 and 11 are below!

First up: 10 MONTHS!

Little Miss Kennedy you are TEN months old!!! This month has been busy and full of development for you!

Memories from month 10:
-You started saying "uh oh" and it's so cute. You like to throw and knock things off of the high chair, look down at them, and say "uh, uh oh". You also say "mama" which I believe I mentioned last month. You say "bababa" a lot as well.

-You LOVE mimicking us. Kissy lips, buzzing lips, smacking lips, you think it's all so fun!
-You wave bye-bye with your arm but have also been playing around with waving with your fingers. You can point now too!
-You are not crawling yet. We are trying to help you learn but to no avail so far. All of us, Blake included, have tried to "model" crawling for you, hahaha! You can get up on all fours but you just rock back and forth. Then you give up and roll to what you want (currently the Christmas presents under the tree, Zoey's ball, or your stacking cups). You'll get it soon enough or you'll walk. I'm not going to lie, I'm not too sad about you being rather stationary.
-Though you don't crawl, you enjoy standing against things. You can't stand for more than a moment or two without assistance but it makes me wonder if you'll skip crawling and go straight to walking. That's what mommy did. You're not cruising (taking steps) yet though.
-Your first Thanksgiving was spent at the ER and then resting at home with Daddy. You were so sick. You had a fever of 103.8, a terrible cough, and it sounded like you were struggling to breath. You were diagnosed with croup. They gave you a steroid and some Tylenol and we were on our way. Luckily, the ER was empty and we were in and out in about 30-45 minutes! We went to the doctor on Friday (Black Friday) for a follow-up because you didn't sound much better. But, everything checked out and you slowly started to improve. Our poor girl. You were certainly a trooper!

-You love taking a stacking cup in each hand and banging them together.
-You've started eating puffs and more table food that mommy or daddy give you. You get a little jealous if we don't share our food with you.
-You like your veggie baby foods. You do not care for some of the baby foods with lil' bits...especially the Chicken itty bitty Noodle (you gag). Your favorite food is your cereal mixed with fruit. That disappears quickly!
-We've introduced eggs and peanut butter (one time) to you. So far (knock on wood), no signs of any allergies.

Here are some pictures from month 10! (Month 11 below)
Blake holding you on his lap

After church

Playing at Grandma's

First swing at the park!

First "ponytail"


Next up: 11 MONTHS!

Somehow, you are already 11 months old! Where'd my squishy newborn go? Your personality is really starting to shine through these days and we love it so much!

Memories from month 11:
-Your legs are strong! You can stand with someone gently holding the back of your shirt to make sure you don't kill yourself if you fall over. ;) You still don't crawl; I'd say you're at the same point as last month's update, but your standing game is getting strong. (By the very end of this month you did start crawling! Very slow still.)

-You LOVE table food. You've been pretty much eating table food exclusively for supper. We still do baby food for breakfast and lunch (because you're not's easier). You have eaten everything from pasta and meat to onions and tomatoes (and chocolate). The only thing you spit out over and over is bananas. You will eat banana baby food but you hate real bananas and the banana yogurt puffs for babies. If that's the only thing, I can deal with that.

-You are way more of a boobie monster than Blake was at this age (sorry if that's TMI). I was planning to wean you around a year old.....but you might turn into a toddler monster if I try. We'll see how it goes. lol
-You've been drinking great out of a sippy cup at dinner time. It's just water but we will introduce whole milk soon.
-You have started mimicking the words "good girl" and "peek-a-boo".
-Your "tricks" (am I a dog mom or what?) include: SO big!, patty-cake, peek-a-boo, beep beep (touch your nose), dancing (by adorably moving your head and rocking/bouncing), pointing, and waving.
-You lost your high squeals when you got croup, but they are finally coming back!

We love you so much! Here are a few pictures from month 11; lots of Christmas pictures!
(Mommy might be transitioning to paper journaling soon or leaving out pictures because it is such a hassle to add pictures on this website. That is why every post is posted so late!)

Eating Baby Jesus

Kisses from Emma

Playing with Emma, Blake, and Jonathan

How we found you 'playing' one morning before daycare...whatever's comfortable I guess?!

You can get pretty crazy bouncing (you're favorite activity) so we have to put up buffers!

Your first present for your first Christmas Season

Christmas morning

Checking out your new digs

Such a sweetie!

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